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词汇 放慢速度
例句 You pull on both reins to stop or slow a horse, but only the left rein to turn left.拉两边的缰绳来让马停住或放慢速度,但是要想左转时,只需拉左边的缰绳。The horse slowed to a trot.那匹马放慢速度,小跑起来。I enunciated slowly, as if speaking to a mental defective.放慢速度一字一顿,就像是在对一个傻子说话一样。At times the president's motorcade slowed to a crawl.有时总统车队放慢速度缓缓而行。When you're in the lead, don't slacken off.你领先时不要放慢速度Whatever you do, slow down and take your time.不管怎样,你要放慢速度,不要着急。Many accidents could be prevented if motorists would slow down.如果开车的人放慢速度,很多交通事故都是可以避免的。Price falls have at least decelerated as demand has heightened.由于需求增加,价格下跌至少会放慢速度She slowed the horses to a walk.她让马放慢速度缓步而行。The car slowed up to turn right.汽车放慢速度,向右转弯。Richard's going to have a heart attack one of these days if he doesn't slow down.理查德如不放慢速度,总有一天会心脏病发作的。We slowed right down and eased through the gap.我们立刻放慢速度,小心翼翼地在狭路上穿行。Teachers must put the brakes on, as it were, when they notice students looking puzzled.当老师发现学生神色茫然时,就应在一定程度上放慢速度After several years of strong growth, the laptop market is downshifting to a slower, but hopefully steady, pattern of growth.经过几年的强劲增长以后,手提电脑市场正在放慢速度,进入一种慢一些但可望更稳定一些的增长状态。They slowed down and waited for him to draw even.他们放慢速度,等他跟上来。The rider held the reins loosely as the horse slowed to a walk.放慢速度走了起来,骑手便放松了缰绳。His economic plan, with its tax hikes and spending cuts, will slow the economy.他通过采取上调税率和削减支出等经济计划,将会使经济发展放慢速度He ran,and then slowed down to a walk.他跑着,然后放慢速度变成步行。She has to work slowly and with great care in order to get the picture just right.她必须放慢速度、小心谨慎,从而把画画得恰到好处。Slow down as you go into the hairpin.到急转弯处要放慢速度




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