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词汇 支柱
例句 The uprights of the structure were embedded in concrete.建筑物的支柱牢牢地嵌在混凝土中。She uses her work as a psychological crutch.她把工作当成是心理上的支柱He was a tower of strength to his sisters when their father died.父亲死后,他成了姊妹们的支柱Best friends are the foundation of my life.好朋友是我生命的支柱We have to shore up the damaged fence.我们得用支柱撑住坏了的篱笆。Farmers are the backbone of this community.农场主是这个社区的支柱Bates is the emotional anchor of the film.贝茨是这部影片的情感支柱The exchange rate should be an anchor in inflation control.汇率应该是抑制通货膨胀的支柱Inspectors found that some of the bridge's supports were weak.鉴定人员发现这座桥的一些支柱不结实。He used his inheritance money as a prop to start his own business.他用继承来的钱作为支柱,开始自己做生意。The pit props were placed only a foot or two apart, to support a mile of rock above them.矿井里每隔一两英尺就有一根支柱,用来支撑上面一英里厚的岩石。Her father was a tower of strength to her when her marriage broke up.在她婚姻破裂的时候,父亲是她的支柱Dad was the anchor of the family.爸爸是家里的支柱She's been a/my tower of strength during my illness.我生病期间,她一直是我的支柱Sugar has always been the basis of the Cuban economy.糖一直是古巴经济的支柱Many people see marriage as the fulcrum of their lives.许多人把婚姻看成是生活的支柱His wife was his emotional prop during his depression.在他意志消沉时,妻子是他的情感支柱Boundary walls have had to be shored up.边界墙须用支柱支撑。He described his wife as the emotional anchor of his life.他把妻子描述为他生命中的情感支柱The magazine became the cornerstone of McFadden's publishing empire.这本杂志成了迈克法登出版帝国的支柱I had two props in my life; one was alcohol, the other work.我生命中有两大支柱:一个是酒,另一个是工作。He's the linchpin of our team.他是我们这个团队的支柱Visits from loved ones are a vital lifeline for prisoners.对于囚犯来说,亲人能来探视是他们的生命支柱The support for the tent is rigid.帐篷的支柱很坚固。He kicked away the posts and brought the whole thing down.他把支柱踢掉使整个东西塌了下来。He will shortly become the fulcrum of the England team.他不久就会成为英格兰队的支柱We cantilevered the veranda to get rid of the posts.为了去掉支柱,我们把游廊建成了悬臂式。My husband was my/a pillar of strength during my mother's illness.母亲生病期间,丈夫是我坚强的支柱At one time paper mills were the industrial base for the region.造纸厂曾一度是这个地区的工业支柱The club has the support of an energetic and enthusiastic management committee.俱乐部有一个积极热心的管理委员会作支柱He remains the anchor of the country's fragile political balance.他仍然是维系该国脆弱的政治平衡的支柱These supports fasten to eye-bolts in the stanchions.这些支架被连接到支柱的活节螺栓上。The Mackinnon household became my lifeline.麦金农一家成了我的生命支柱




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