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词汇 摘下
例句 I swapped my cap for a large black waterproof hat.摘下便帽,换上一顶黑色的大防水帽。She removed her cap and smoothed her lush black hair.摘下帽子抚平她那浓密的黑发。She observed that every man in the room had removed his hat.她注意到屋子里的每个男人都摘下了帽子。He rent off a ripe fruit from the tree.他从树上摘下一只熟果子。He plucked a grape from the bunch and popped it in his mouth.他从葡萄串上摘下一颗葡萄,一下子放进嘴里。I took down the curtains, washed, and starched them.摘下窗帘,洗了洗,然后给它们上了浆。He removed his hat and gloves.摘下了帽子和手套。The nurse asked her to remove all her jewellery.护士让她摘下所有的首饰。He took the portrait down from the wall.他从墙上摘下了肖像。She saw he had removed his glasses.她看到他摘下了他的眼镜。He picked the telephone off the wall bracket.他从墙上的固定托架上摘下电话。He doffed his cap as he introduced himself.他做自我介绍时摘下了帽子。They took the phone off the hook so no calls would disturb them.他们摘下电话听筒,以免电话打扰他们。She took off her spectacles.摘下了眼镜。Harry carefully picked the bloom.哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花。I pulled off my sopping mittens.摘下了湿漉漉的手套。She reached up and picked a pear off a branch.她抬起手从一根枝上摘下一颗梨。They grudgingly took off their gun belts and holsters.他们很不情愿地摘下枪带和枪套。At least you have removed your blinkers and can now see the relationship in its true colours.你至少已经摘下这层眼罩,可以看清这种关系的真面目了。Alberg took the portrait down from the wall.阿尔伯格从墙上摘下那幅肖像画。The man removed the pair of silver-rimmed glasses he was wearing.这男子摘下了所戴的那副银丝边眼镜。She peeled off her gloves.摘下手套。With a sudden acrobatic action, he picked the apple off the tree.他像杂技演员般做了一个突然的动作,从树上摘下了苹果。He took off his glasses, which were covered with dirt.摘下沾满灰尘的眼镜。He wouldn't take his hat off.他不肯摘下帽子。He took off his tie and undid the top button of his shirt.摘下领带,解开衬衫最上面的纽扣He swept off his hat and bowed deeply.摘下帽子,深深地鞠了一躬。He respectfully removed his hat when he entered the building.他走进这座大楼时恭敬地摘下了帽子。He embraced me, took his pectoral cross and hung it round my neck.他拥抱了我,摘下他胸前的十字架戴到了我的脖子上。He removed his sunglasses.摘下了太阳镜。He picked a leaf from the basil plant and started to chew it.摘下一片罗勒叶子嚼了起来。I locked the door and took the phone off the hook so no one could disturb me.我锁上门,摘下电话,这样就没有人能打扰我了。The apples mellowed after we picked them.苹果在我们摘下后变得醇香了。He took off his cap and scratched his head.摘下帽子挠了挠头。I left the phone off the hook.摘下了电话听筒。They removed their hats as a mark of respect.他们摘下帽子,以示敬意。




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