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词汇 搬动
例句 I'm amazed you managed to move those boxes all by yourself.你居然能一个人搬动那些箱子,真让我吃惊。These works of art must be handled with exceptional care.搬动这些艺术品时必须格外小心。Moving all that furniture did a job on my back.搬动那么些家具,使我背部受了伤。The traders sweated as they manhandled crates of soft drinks.商贩们搬动一箱箱软饮料时出了一身汗。Never move a computer while it is powered up.计算机开着时千万不要搬动Oh, you've moved the furniture around again!啊,你又把家具搬动过了! He tried to move the sofa but couldn't.他试图搬动那张沙发,但搬不动。Special care must be taken in handling very old books.搬动很旧的书时一定要格外小心。He jumbled the wires up when he moved the TV.搬动电视机时将电线缠在一起了。Because of their great delicacy, the books cannot be moved.由于这些书极易受损,因此不宜搬动Bob tried to move the rock; he grunted and moaned, putting black strength at it.鲍勃试图搬动这块石头,为了对付它,他哼唷哼唷地使出全身所有的气力。The body had lain there undisturbed for centuries.尸体已在那儿躺了好几个世纪,未曾被搬动过。They didn't move the corpse before they sent for the police.他们派人去叫警察以前没有搬动尸体。They heaved at the heavy box, but could not lift it.他们想搬动那只很重的箱子,但抬不起来。He tried to move the sofa by himself.他试图独自搬动那张沙发。




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