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词汇 揭露
例句 They uncovered a plot to destabilize the government.他们揭露了一起企图颠覆政府的阴谋。For this revelation he was struck blind by the goddess Hera.由于揭露此事,他被女神赫拉弄瞎了眼。Her book blew the lid off the Reagan years.她的书揭露了里根当政时期的内幕。She might expose his crooked business deals to her tax inspector brother.她也许会向她当税务稽查员的哥哥揭露他的不法商业交易。When his private letters were made public, they revealed his hypocrisy.他的私人信件被公开,揭露了他的伪善。Sheldon revealed the close connection between poverty and bad health.谢尔登揭露了贫穷和不健康之间的紧密联系。In his books, he lays bare the foulness of man.在他的著作中,他揭露人类的卑鄙。She revealed the reporter as a liar.揭露那个记者是个骗子。She uncovered collusion between city officials and certain local businesses.揭露了市政官员和某些当地企业相互勾结的行为。A newspaper article exposed the ugliness of this year's election.报纸上的一篇文章揭露了今年竞选中的丑陋。Church officials exposed him as a fake.教会人员揭露他是冒牌货。They threatened to expose him to the media unless he changed his ways.他们威胁说除非他改变做事的方法,否则就要向新闻媒体揭露他。Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government.安全部队揭露了一起推翻政府的阴谋。The newspaper's exposure of their crimes led to their arrest.报上揭露了他们的罪行,这些人因而被捕。Nicholson was recently exposed by the News of the World for paying a hooker hush money.尼科尔森最近被《世界新闻报》揭露曾付给一名妓女封嘴钱。These revelations only prove what I suspected all along.这些揭露的事实恰好证明了我一直以来的怀疑。Channel 4 is running a series on the unfairness of the legal system.第四频道正在播出揭露法律体系不公正之处的系列节目。The CIA uncovered a conspiracy against the government.中央情报局揭露了一个反政府阴谋。They took the lid off a nasty scandal.他们揭露了一件肮脏的丑闻。They exposed fraud on a grand scale.他们在很大程度上揭露了骗局。A Sunday newspaper hack uncovered the story.某星期日报的一个雇佣文人揭露了这一新闻故事。She exposed their sham and hypocrisy.揭露了他们的虚假和伪善。Positive tests have revealed why some athletes were so reluctant to co-operate.检验结果呈阳性,这就揭露了为什么有些运动员那么不愿意合作。It turned out that Balzac was bitterly attacking the base conduct of the character that he was exposing in his work.原来巴尔扎克在痛骂作品中一个他正在揭露的人物的卑劣行为。It purports to show us reality.它声称要向我们揭露事实。The report disclosed the company's dirty little secret. 报告揭露了公司一些肮脏的内幕。He was determined to lift the curtain on the scandal.他下定决心要揭露那丑闻。The auditors failed to ask awkward questions that could have exposed fraudulent accounting.审计者没有提出本来可能揭露欺诈性会计活动的尖锐问题。In his book he exposed with relish all the evils of the present day.在他的书里,他饶有兴味地揭露了当代的种种邪恶。The report uncovers disturbing details of abuse.这篇报道揭露了种种让人不安的虐待事件的细节。The movie is an exposé of prison conditions in the South.这部电影揭露了南方一些监狱的恶劣条件。The cast and crew of this new play has been posted on the bulletin board.这部剧的演员及工作人员名单已在告示板上揭露This letter disclosed his secret.这封信揭露了他的秘密。It took internal whistle-blowing and investigative journalism to uncover the rot.内部检举和调查性报道共同揭露了这一腐败事实。Week after week the papers were full of revelations about the minister's alleged corrupt dealings, until eventually he bowed to the inevitable and resigned.报纸上接连几个星期都在揭露那位部长涉嫌腐败交易,他终于向不可避免的事实低头,辞职了。The police exposed the letter as a fraud.警方揭露那封信是个骗局。The newspaper published a series of articles exposing graft in the city government.报纸刊登了一系列文章,揭露市政府的贪污受贿行为。The report exposes an attempted cover-up of the accident.这一报道揭露了企图掩盖事故的行为。The frauds have been unearthed by investigators working for the Camden and Islington Health Authority.这些欺诈行为已被卡姆登和伊斯灵顿卫生局的调查人员揭露了出来。Her criminal activities were finally exposed in the Washington Post by political columnist Richard McCallum.她的犯罪活动最终在《华盛顿邮报》上被政治专栏作家理查德·麦卡勒姆揭露了出来。




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