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词汇 提前结束
例句 The play closed early despite receiving good notices.尽管受到好评,演出还是提前结束了。Jackson cut short his trip to Africa.杰克逊提前结束了他的非洲之行。The band has cut short its US concert tour.乐团提前结束了在美国的巡回演出。The accident put an untimely end to the party.事故使得聚会提前结束We cut our holiday short because Rachel fell ill.由于雷切尔病倒,我们提前结束了假期。We had to cut our vacation short.我们只好提前结束了假期。His career was brought to a premature end by a succession of knee injuries.因为膝盖接二连三地受伤,他的职业生涯提前结束了。The minister fell ill and his visit had to be curtailed.部长生病了,出访只好提前结束




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