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词汇 派别
例句 The two factions are pulling in different directions.两个派别从不同方面施加影响。I think we can say without prejudice to our position that we must try to understand the arguments of all the factions involved.我认为我们可以在无损自己立场的基础上表明,我们必须设法理解所有有关派别的论点。Both factions thought they had a lock on the latest trend.两个派别均认为自己完全掌握了最新动向。Islam has two main sects: the Sunnis and the Shias.伊斯兰教有两大派别:逊尼派与什叶派。There were strong sympathies between the two factions.两个派别之间相处非常融洽。The criminal factions dissolved into smaller groups.犯罪派别分解成了更小的群体。Separate meetings had been convoked by the two opposing factions.这两个对立的派别各自召开了会议。The leadership was trying to sow discord between the two factions.这个领导层正在设法煽动这个派别Factions in the party are pulling in different directions.党内的各个派别都互相勾心斗角,你争我夺。New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions.旨在结束各竞争派别之间僵持局面的新提案已被提交。The splinter group rapidly gained support from discontented members.分裂出去的这个派别很快得到成员中不满者的支持。There are various strands in feminist thinking.女权主义思想有多个不同的派别They broke away and formed a splinter group that believed in revolution, not gradual change.他们脱离出去另立了一个相信革命、不相信逐渐变革的派别They ran a campaign that drew together these various strands.他们通过开展运动把各种派别团结在一起。Religious practices differ from group to group.宗教习俗因派别不同而不同。She has the difficult task of bringing together a number of discordant elements.她担负着将几个意见不合的派别团结在一起的艰巨任务。Sections of the crowd were in the mood for a ruck.各个派别的人都想打一架。I have little patience with fundamentalists of any kind.我对任何派别的原教旨主义者都没有多少耐心。The party divided into warring factions.那个党分裂成互相敌对的一些派别It is almost impossible for the prime minister to stand above the factions. He always seems in hock to one or another.对于首相来说,几乎不可能凌驾于各个派别之上。他好像总是亏欠这个或那个。




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