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词汇 派出
例句 The captain sent out another squad to reinforce the troops.上尉又派出一个班去支援部队。A hit man had been sent to silence her over the affair.为了掩盖这件事,已经派出一名职业杀手去杀她灭口。They sent two men out in front as scouts.他们派出了两个人到前面侦察。A senior official was sent from London to investigate the claims.从伦敦派出了一名高级官员去调查索赔要求。If the hikers don't return by tomorrow, a search party will be sent out.如果到了明天那些徒步旅行者还没回来,就派出搜救队。He sent three scouts ahead to take a look at the bridge.派出三名侦察兵到前面侦察大桥的情况。Some firms will go to great lengths, including spying, to obtain information about their competitors.有些公司会用各种手段,包括派出间谍,来获取竞争对手的消息。The UK has sent a legation to discuss trade and tariffs.英国派出了一个公使代表团去讨论贸易和关税问题。The climbers did not return, and a search party was sent out to look for them.登山队员没有回来,于是派出搜索队去寻找他们。The UN sent observers to the peace talks.联合国派出了观察员去参加和谈。France fielded a full-strength side.法国队派出最强阵容上场。Headteachers have sent a delegation to London to ask the government to put more money into education.中小学校长已派出一个代表团去伦敦,请求政府对教育投入更多的经费。A landing party was sent ahead to reconnoitre the area.派出一支登陆先遣队前往该地区侦察。Foreign Office sources sniffed at reports that British troops might be sent.外交部消息人士对有可能派出英国军队的报道不屑一顾。More workers have been hurried to the construction site.派出更多的工人赶往建筑工地。The most diplomatically active of the six participants sent a delegation to the capital.六个参与方中外交上最积极的一方向首都派出了一支代表团。The United Nations is sending an aid/relief convoy. 联合国派出一支救援物资运送队。The newspaper sent its first-string critic to review the play.报社派出了他们最优秀的评论员来评论这部戏剧。The President has activated the reserves.总统已经派出了预备役部队。Football clubs send spotters to look for young talent.足球俱乐部派出星探去寻找年轻的足球人才。He sent out a party to spy the enemy.派出一个小分队暗中监视敌人的行动。The paper sent out several teams of reporters to follow the progress of the war.这家报社派出了好几个记者团跟进报道战事。The planes were sent out on a bomb/bombing run.这些飞机被派出执行轰炸任务。Nigeria provided a large contingent of troops to the West African Peacekeeping Force.尼日利亚向西非维和部队派出了一大批军队。The law was/were out in force at the demonstration.警方派出大队人马在游行现场进行戒备。The United Nations sent a team of observers to the peace talks.联合国派出了一组观察员出席和平谈判。Observers were sent to check the conduct of the elections.已经派出观察员检查选举工作。They send a service engineer to fix the disk drive.他们派出维修人员来修磁盘驱动器。Scouts were dispatched to secure the area.为确保该地区安全已派出侦察人员巡查。Liverpool are fielding an impressive team for tomorrow's game.利物浦将派出一支引人注目的队伍参加明天的比赛。The army has provided troops for the UN all over the world.陆军派出部队为联合国在全世界执行任务。The demonstrators fled when they saw the authorities' superior numbers.看到当局派出人员人数占优,示威者就四散逃跑了。Council lorries had been out gritting the icy roads the night before.政务委员会在头天夜里派出卡车在结冰的路面上撒了沙砾。Three planes were sent up to scout.派出三架飞机侦察。Playing four forwards puts too much pressure on the defence.派出四名前锋会对防守造成太大压力。The charity sent a team to the area hit by the earthquake.该慈善机构向地震灾区派出了一个小组。Representatives from both sides met late last night in an attempt to settle the budget dispute between Congress and the President.为了解决国会和总统之间在预算方面的分歧,双方均派出代表于昨天深夜进行了会面。There were contingents from the navies of virtually all EU countries.几乎欧盟各国都派出了海军分队。The cavalry were brought in to support the mission.派出了装甲兵增援那一军事行动。They plan to launch an air offensive before sending in ground troops.他们打算在派出地面部队之前先发动空中攻势。




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