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词汇 提供服务
例句 The inn caters exclusively to foreign tourists.这家旅馆专为外国游客提供服务This hotel serves the top of society.这个旅馆为社会的上层人物提供服务There have been demands for services from tenants up there.那里的房客要求提供服务The bank has moved from private client work to banking for large corporations.这家银行已经从为个人提供服务转向为大型企业提供服务She received an honour for her services to the community.她因为社区提供服务而获得了表彰。There has been an increase in the standard of service provided.提供服务的水准有所提高。They offered to lend us their services. 他们主动向我们提供服务The Equal Access to Justice Foundation serves the Northwest Texas service area.平等享用司法权基金会向得克萨斯西北服务区提供服务The library caters to scientists.这家图书馆为科学家提供服务The party was serviced by the best caterer in the area.这次宴会由这个地区最好的酒席承办商提供服务The bookstore primarily services people looking for out-of-print books.这家书店主要为收藏绝版书的人提供服务Dan Conrad, the proprietor of Conrad's Bookstore, says that small stores such as his offer service and convenience.康拉德书店的老板丹·康拉德说,像他这样的小书店既提供服务,又提供便利。He offered his services free of charge. 他无偿提供服务We are a professional outfit and we do require payment for our services.我们是一家专业机构,对所提供服务确实要收取费用。The library serves the community. = The library serves the needs of the community. 图书馆为这个社区提供服务It is one of the only charities to care for Aids patients and ex-prisoners.这是为艾滋病人和刑满释放者提供服务的少数几家慈善机构之一。Erica runs a hostel for women who have been abused by their husbands.埃丽卡管理一家为受丈夫虐待的女性提供服务的旅舍。Hors d'oeuvres will be served during the reception and a cash bar will be available.欢迎会上会有开胃小菜供应,也会有售酒柜台提供服务The hostel caters for single people who are unable to find affordable accommodation.青年旅舍为无法找到廉价住宿的单身者提供服务You may have regular home visits from a neonatal nurse.可以雇请育婴护士定期到家里提供服务In simple terms, productivity is merely a measure of effectiveness with which people produce goods and services.用简单的话说,生产力只不过是对人们生产商品和提供服务的效率的一种衡量。Paris is served by two airports.巴黎有两个机场提供服务There should be a code of business ethics which indicates how clients are to be served.应该有一套商业道德守则,规范如何为客户提供服务The phone company is required to give you prior notice before disconnecting your service.电话公司在停止提供服务之前按规定应该事先通知你。I volunteered my services.我自愿提供服务




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