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词汇 流行的
例句 This season's fashions are very feminine.当前流行的时尚十分女性化。He wonders why his most popular songs are always the ones he spends the least time on.他想知道为什么他最流行的歌曲总是那些他用最少时间完成的歌曲。The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow.今天流行的时髦话明天常常成为陈腐之言。Fitness gurus call it the hottest new exercise trend of the year.健身专家称这是今年最新最流行的锻炼趋势。In Orthodox Europe, mass religion seems to have decayed less.在正教会流行的欧洲地区,集体宗教信仰的影响力似乎衰退得较少。Strange beings from outer space are still a popular subject for sci-fi movies.外星人仍是许多科幻电影流行的主题。Self-build is becoming an increasingly popular choice.自建已成为越来越流行的选择。We have compiled lists of the most popular ring tones in Britain.我们编制了伦敦最流行的电话铃音清单。The building exemplifies the style of architecture which was popular at the time.这栋大楼代表了当时流行的建筑风格。Designer beers and trendy wines have replaced the good old British pint.时尚的啤酒和流行的葡萄酒已经取代了老牌的英国啤酒。Having metal detectors in schools is a sign of the times.学校里配备金属探测器是时下流行的做法。Marriage breakdown in the West has reached epidemic proportions.在西方,婚姻破裂已达到了流行的地步。By far the most popular idea is the positivist one that we should keep only the facts.到目前为止,最流行的观点就是实证主义观点,即我们应该只记录事实。The store sells everything from casual clothes to high fashion.从便装到最流行的服饰,这家店都有销售。Pink is in style this season.粉红色是当下流行的颜色。They can give you chapter and verse on the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity.他们能为你提供儿童肥胖日益流行的详细资料。An earlier pattern may reassert itself.早期流行的一种样式可能会再次时兴。Today, spectacles are fashion accessories rather than just a remedy for poor eyesight.如今,眼镜已经成了流行的配饰,而不仅仅是矫正视力的工具。Boston's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas.波士顿传统而单调的砖石建筑并没有迅速被许多美国城市地区流行的现代玻璃大厦所取代。Bowls is one of the most popular sports in the UK .草地滚球是英国最流行的运动之一。Digital technology is the latest/current trend in television.数字技术是电视业中最新/流行的趋势。Popular water sports include surfing and water skiing.流行的水上运动包括冲浪和滑水。The gang members use street slang.黑帮成员使用街头流行的俚语。It's the thing this year to buy products made from recycled materials.今年流行的是购买用回收再利用的材料制成的商品。I think I have the virus that's going around this winter.我觉得自己患了今冬流行的病毒性疾病。The most fashionable jeans this winter have a lived-in look.今冬最流行的牛仔裤看起来显旧。Once the virus becomes a pandemic influenza, your trouble will only begin.一旦病毒成为全国流行的流感,你的麻烦才真正开始了。The novels draw on popular imagery from newspapers.那些小说使用了报纸上流行的形象化描述。These styles were a bit before my time.这些是我出生前流行的款式。I hope this book is not yet another restatement of the prevailing wisdom.我希望这本书不会又是重复一些流行的至理名言。Do you remember when New Wave music was in vogue?你记得新浪潮音乐是什么时候流行的吗?That the world is flat was at one time a popular fallacy.地球扁平说法曾是一度流行的谬论。Do-it-yourself is the nation's most popular pastime.自己动手是该国最流行的消遣活动。Companies try to identify the most popular search terms.公司试图找到最流行的搜索用语。The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain's most popular mode of transport.自行车称霸英国,成了最流行的出行方式。We've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style.风水轮流转,时下最流行的又是深蓝色牛仔裤了。It's one of the most popular makes of satellite phone on the market.这是市场上最流行的卫星电话品牌之一。There is an increasingly popular alternative.出现了一种日益流行的替代品。This is the in thing to wear this season.这是这一季最流行的穿著。She visited a country where malaria was rife. 她游览了一个疟疾流行的国家。




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