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词汇 接受
例句 The teacher's comment was completely out of bounds. 老师的评价完全不能接受After considering several job offers, she accepted a position with a local bank.在考虑了几个工作机会后,她接受了本地银行的一个职位。She has accepted his resignation with regret.她遗憾地接受了他的辞职。You have to do a year's intensive training to become a paramedic.接受一年多强化培训才能成为一名医务辅助人员。She is being given the medication intravenously.她正在接受静脉注射药物治疗。He had speech therapy for his stuttering.为治疗口吃,他接受了语言障碍矫治。The players were drilled in practice.运动员接受了实际训练。Her trial will be public.她将接受公开审判。He retrained as a mechanic.接受再培训当机械师。Lawyers argued that she should be allowed to serve her detention in her home country.律师们提出她应被允许在祖国接受监禁。Most seven-year-olds are grounded in the basics of reading and writing.大多数七岁的儿童都要接受读写的基本训练。All my instincts were against accepting her offer.我所有的本能反应都告诉我不要接受她的提议。The two leaders emerged for a photo session.两位领导现身接受记者拍照。She was breathalyzed.接受了呼气测醉检验。Your alibi was not accepted by the prosecutor. Therefore, it did not exonerate you from the crime.你的不在场证明并没有被检方接受。因此,你并没有免罪。He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation.尽管有些犹豫,他还是接受了那份工作。The Council will meet to decide if it should accept his resignation.委员会将召开会议决定是否接受他的辞呈。He snapped at the offer I made him.他马上就接受了我的提议。He came over from the States to be made an honorary Fellow of the College.他从美国赶来,接受学院授予的荣誉研究员头衔。I am happy to accept your invitation.我很高兴接受你的邀请。She was unreceptive to my ideas.她不愿接受我的观点。That was the only reason I didn't take the job.那是我没有接受这份工作的唯一理由。I think she's still in a state of denial about her husband's death. 我想她仍旧无法接受丈夫死亡的事实。I was a little doubtful about accepting.我对要不要接受有些犹豫。It was a terrible struggle for him to accept her death.他经过一番痛苦的挣扎才接受了她已死的事实。Michael was given a complete going-over and then treated for glandular fever.迈克尔接受了全面体检,随后又进行了腺热治疗。You should suggest changes, rather than accept things as they are.你应该建议作些改变,而不是接受现状。The man was released after questioning by detectives.那名男子接受警探盘问之后就被放走了。We accept these ideas merely because they have never been challenged.我们接受这些观点仅仅是因为它们从未被质疑过。A man was being questioned in connection with her disappearance.一个与她失踪有关的人正在接受盘问。After much deliberation, Roy accepted the offer.罗伊在深思熟虑之后接受了那个报价。They will accept no agreement that legitimizes the ethnic division of the country.他们不会接受任何使国家民族分裂合法化的协议。We are a proud people. We are not used to begging or taking things.我们是有自尊的民族。我们不习惯乞讨或接受施舍。I accept offers of work on an ad hoc basis.接受临时提供的工作。Let us accept, for the sake of argument, that she is right.为了进行辩论,我们姑且接受她是对的。The death rate for pedestrians hit by cars is unacceptably high.遭遇车祸的行人死亡率之高令人无法接受Patients with incurable illnesses are brought to the hospice, where they are given the best possible care.绝症病人被送往安养院,在那里接受尽可能好的照顾。He was interviewed on the radio this morning.他今早在广播里接受了采访。He accepted the invitation with feigned enthusiasm.他假装热情地接受了邀请。She is getting/undergoing assertiveness training. 她正在进行/接受树立自信的训练。




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