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词汇 着地
例句 She fell sideways and landed on her shoulder.她斜着跌了下去,肩膀着地The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway.机组人员终于使飞机腹部在跑道土质松软的部分着地He crawled, slowly, on all fours, through the crowd.他四肢着地在人群中慢慢爬行。She tripped on the rock and took a header.她被石头绊了一下,头着地摔了一跤。I fell and landed on my shoulder. 我摔倒了,肩膀着地The car turned over in mid-air and landed on its roof.汽车在半空中翻了过来,车顶向下着地Martin landed on his shoulder and jarred his neck.马丁肩部着地,震到了脖子。Jim's knee was still painful where he had fallen on it.吉姆摔倒时膝部着地的地方还在痛。The crew finally landed the plane on its belly.机组人员终于使飞机以机腹着地降落下来。The baby crawled away on all fours.小宝宝四肢着地爬走了。She tumbled down the stairs and landed in a heap at the bottom.她从楼梯上滚下来,着地时蜷作一团。When you run, each foot leaves the ground before the other comes down.奔跑时,你的一只脚在另一只脚着地之前就离开了地面。He fell and landed awkwardly.他摔下来,狼狈地着地I landed heavily on my ankle and must have damaged it in some way.着地时脚踝受到大力冲击,肯定伤着了。He dropped to one knee.他单膝着地For this exercise, it is best to lie down, or sit with both feet on the floor.这个运动最好躺下做,或者双脚着地坐着。At one point the dancers flipped onto their backs and splayed their legs.舞蹈演员们的一个动作是翻身背部着地,双腿叉开。He fell over this time, flat on his back with his legs wide.他这次摔倒了,背部着地,两腿大叉。All babies look flat-footed and when they walk the whole sole touches the ground.婴儿们看上去都是平足,他们走路的时候整个脚掌都着地He got to one knee to better see the man lying on the ground.他一膝着地,以便更好地察看那躺在地上的人。




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