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词汇 着手解决
例句 World leaders will address the problem of global warming.世界各国领导人将着手解决全球变暖问题。He promised to get to work on the state's massive deficit.他承诺着手解决国家庞大的财政赤字问题。The next meeting will address the problem of obesity.下次会议将着手解决肥胖问题。My vote will go to the party that addresses crime.我这一票将投给着手解决犯罪问题的党派。How would you attack the unemployment problem?你将如何着手解决失业问题呢? Successfully merging two banks requires a fast and ruthless attack on costs.成功合并两家银行需要坚决快速地着手解决费用问题。Environmentalists argue that the organization fails to address the needs of third world farmers.环境保护主义者认为该组织没有着手解决第三世界国家农民的需求问题。The governor is addressing himself to the problem of underfunded schools.州长正在着手解决学校资金短缺的问题。The General was anxious to cut short the philosophizing and get down to more urgent problems.那位将军急于打断那些高谈阔论,着手解决更加紧急的问题。They were in the process of resolving all the unsettled issues.他们正在着手解决所有悬而未决的问题。Roger attacked the problem with vigour.罗杰干劲十足地着手解决这个问题。In my view, it only perpetuates the very problem that it sets out to cure.在我看来,这只会使要着手解决的问题一再拖延下去。We must move speedily to address the problem.我们必须赶快着手解决问题。The government is working on tackling gender inequalities in employment.政府正在着手解决就业中的性别不平等问题。




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