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词汇 排成一行
例句 The boys came downstairs single file.男孩们排成一行走下楼来。The path was so narrow that we had to walk in single file.小路太窄了,我们只得排成一行跟着走。The riders brought their mounts into line.骑手们使坐骑排成一行The boys formed a line.男孩们排成一行They were lined up at the start.他们在起跑线处排成一行The chairs were lined up along the wall.这些椅子顺着墙排成一行The officers in the old photo are lined up stiff, straight, and unsmiling.老照片中的军官们姿态僵硬、挺直、不带笑容地排成一行The teacher got the children to form a line before they went into the hall.老师让孩子们排成一行进入大厅。A string of five rowing boats set out from the opposite bank.五只划艇排成一行从对岸出发了。They lined the prisoners up and shot them.他们把囚犯排成一行开枪射杀。




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