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词汇 排名
例句 England will have to settle for third or fourth place.英格兰将只好接受第三或第四的排名He is rated fifth in the world.排名世界第五。The team is at the bottom of the league.该队在联赛中排名最末。They still languish in the bottom half of the Third Division.他们在丙级联赛后半段的排名依然靠后。The team is in last place at the midpoint of the season.赛季进行到一半时这支球队排名垫底。Agassi was at that time ranked sixth in the world.阿加西当时排名世界第六。The new coach led the team to a No. 1 ranking.新教练率领球队夺得第一的排名The team leaped from last place to first place.这个队从排名垫底跃居首位。Fulham are third from bottom with two games in hand over the teams below them.富勒姆排名倒数第三,但是比排名靠后的球队少赛两场。The team finished the season at the top of the pile.本赛季结束时,球队排名靠前。The two top teams have ten points apiece.排名最高的两支球队各积十分。The ranking system is unfairly weighted in favor of the largest schools.这项排名制度有失公平地向规模最大的那些学校倾斜。Hingis has now overtaken her in the world tennis rankings.现在辛吉斯的世界网球排名已经超过了她。Extraordinarily, the favourites for the title lie at the bottom of the table.令人大跌眼镜的是,夺标热门竟然排名垫底。Hancock and Smith took the top two placings.汉考克和史密斯排名前两位。A string of recent defeats has plunged the team dangerously near the bottom of the table.最近一连串的失利使该队排名跌至榜尾附近,处境危险。He is making a bid to regain his number-one ranking.他正为重登第一的排名而努力。Goellner has shot up the rankings.戈尔纳的排名迅速上升。The young gymnast is ranked fifth in the world.这位年轻的体操运动员排名世界第五。They've won five games in a row and are starting to move up in the standings.他们连续赢了五场比赛,在名次表中的排名开始上升了。His poll ratings were disastrously low.他在民意调查中的排名低得吓人。The book rocketed up the bestseller list.这本书在畅销书排名中迅速上升。I was next to last in the race.我在赛跑中排名倒数第二。The top four seeded nations are through to the semi-finals.排名前四位的国家进入半决赛。When the coach quit, her assistant inherited a last-place team.教练辞职后,她的助手接管了一支排名垫底的球队。The team is at the top of the league.这支球队在联赛排名中领先。A win will move the team into second place.一场胜利将会让球队的排名上升到第二位。West Ham United are currently languishing at the bottom of the league.西汉姆联队目前在联赛排名垫底。The Senator has led in the polls for most of the primary season.那位参议员在多数初期选举的民意测验中排名领先。The singer is in pole position in this week's music chart.在本周的音乐榜上,那位歌手排名领先。CBS will end the series if it continues to drop in the ratings.这部电视连续剧如果收视率排名继续下降,哥伦比亚广播公司就会停播该剧。They are now three points ahead of Skye at the bottom of the table.目前,他们比排名垫底的斯凯队高三分。Please don't think that your record is the only hyped record on the charts.请不要认为排行榜上只有你的唱片是通过被大量购买来提升排名的。The top-ranked team will play against the sixteenth.排名第一的球队将和排名第十六的球队交手。He's not good enough to play for, say, Arsenal, but he could fit into a mid-table side.他还没有出色到可以为象阿森纳这样的球队效力的程度,但加入一支排名中间的球队是合适的。Arsenal are sitting pretty at the top of the Premiership.阿森纳队在英超联赛中排名靠前。Why do I always find myself rooting for the team at the bottom of the league?为什么我支持的队在联赛中总是排名垫底?The president stands high in the public opinion polls.总统在民意调查中排名很高。The team has moved into second place.球队排名升至第二位。We should be able to beat the bottom team in the league.我们应该能够战胜联盟中排名最后的队。




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