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词汇 ailing
例句 Huge sums of private capital will be ploughed into the ailing steel industry.巨额私人资本将被投入处境堪忧的钢铁工业。The company is ailing financially.公司正处于财务困境。Ted asked me if I could help him fix his ailing car.特德的车坏了,他问我是否可以帮他修理一下。The new management team turned the ailing company around in under six months.新的管理团队使这个不景气的公司在不到半年的时间里焕发了生机。The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing American economy.海外销售的增长对于不景气的美国经济是个好消息。Retailing and tourism can't salvage an ailing economy.零售业和旅游业救不了不景气的经济。His country desperately needs Western aid to restore its ailing economy.他的国家急需西方援助以复苏其不景气的经济。She has been ailing for a week.她身体不适已有一周。He visited his ailing father.他探望了生病的父亲。He has an ailing back/elbow/heart.他的后背/肘部/心脏有毛病。That country's ailing economy has become a big problem.那个国家不景气的经济状况已成为一个大问题。She has been ailing for a long time.她已病了好久了。Heinz Co. acquired the ailing food company for an undisclosed amount.亨氏公司以一笔未公开的款额并购了那家财务状况不佳的食品公司。Mother has been ailing for many years, and one should have realized.母亲已患病多年,我本该认清这点。Many expect the central government to come to the assistance of the ailing industry.许多人都指望中央政府来解救这个不景气的行业。The company is about to sell its ailing publishing division.公司即将要出售其处境艰难的出版分公司。The government bailed out the ailing car company in order to protect jobs.为了保障就业,政府资助这家境况不佳的汽车公司摆脱困境。She helps take care of her ailing aunt.她帮助照料体弱的姑妈。He tended his ailing mother.他照顾生病的母亲。He is said to be ailing at his home in Washington.据说他正病着,待在华盛顿的家中。The dog rejected her ailing puppy and refused to nurse it.这条狗厌弃自己得病的小狗,拒不给它喂奶。Government funds are being pumped into the ailing steel industry.大笔政府资金被投入面临困境的钢铁产业。She has been ailing for years.她已经病了好几年了Recent declines in the economy have dealt the ailing company its final death blow.最近的经济衰退使那家经营不善的公司受到了致命打击。She kept vigil at the bedside of her ailing son. 她彻夜守候在儿子的病床旁。They tried to relegate the ailing pilot to a desk job.他们曾试图把那有病的飞机驾驶员降为文职办公员。He has an ailing father and two younger brothers to support.他要养活生病的父亲和两个弟弟。The ailing man alternated two hours of work with one hour of rest.那个体弱多病的人每工作两小时就要歇一小时。She had been ailing for years before she died.她去世前几年就一直病魔缠身。He desperately needed cash to bail out the ailing restaurant.他急需现金使经营惨淡的餐馆走出困境。Federal aids to ailing shipbuilders向处境困难的造船业者提供的联邦政府资助He's visiting his ailing father.他去探望病中的父亲。Huge sums of private capital will be ploughed into the ailing industries of the east.巨额私人资本将投入东部处境困难的一些行业。




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