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He moved around the country working in orange groves.他在乡村不断换工作,为不同的柑橘园干活。Dave said he might be changing jobs.戴夫说他可能会换工作。She seems to change jobs with amazing regularity.她似乎老换工作,频率惊人。They offer portable pensions, carried by employees from job to job.他们提供可转移养老金,可随着雇员们换工作而转移。In between jobs, Liz always took time out to return to her first love – travelling.在换工作的空档里,莉兹总是歇一歇,去做她最喜欢的事情 — 旅游。I'm trying to move on and stretch myself with something different.我正想换工作,想尝试点不一样的事情来挑战一下自己。If I'm not promoted within the next two years, I'm going to change jobs.如果我在今后两年内得不到提升,我就换工作。If she ever fancies a job swap, I could be interested.她要是愿意换工作,我会很乐意的。She had reservations about changing jobs.她对要不要换工作拿不准主意。You have to be willing to change jobs frequently if you want to get to the top in business.如果你想事业有成,就必须愿意频繁地换工作。My arguments with the boss got worse and worse, and finally culminated in my resignation.我和老板的争吵日益恶化,直到最终我决定换工作。Your pension can be affected if you change jobs.如果换工作的话会影响到你的养老金。Just recently I've been thinking about changing my job.就在最近我在考虑换工作。If you feel that you've been coasting in your job, perhaps it's time for a change.如果你感到工作很轻松,也就该换一换工作了。She kept quiet about her plans to change jobs.她对她换工作的计划守口如瓶。Women have to be ambitious and willing to change jobs frequently if they want to get to the top of their profession.女性如果想要在事业上取得成功,就必须雄心勃勃,并愿意经常换工作。There were indications that he was thinking of changing jobs.有迹象表明他在考虑换工作。You've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment.你一直盲目地换工作,却从来没有真正投入进去。It was his doctor who advised him to change his job.是医生建议他换工作的。You seem much more relaxed since you changed jobs.换工作以后你似乎轻松多了。I wonder if he's going to change jobs.我想知道他是否要换工作。I've been out of the loop since I changed jobs. I didn't realize Wendy and Bob had got engaged.我换工作之后一直消息闭塞。我还不知道温迪和鲍勃已经订婚了呢。I would not swap my career for anyone else's.我可不想和任何人换工作。Changing jobs now would complicate her life.现在换工作会使她的生活更加艰难。She's now worse off than before she changed jobs.与换工作之前相比,她现在更加贫困了。She's been hopping from job to job for years.这些年来她不停地换工作。His reason for changing his job was not given.他换工作的原因没有说明。I can't picture changing jobs at this point in my life.我无法想象在我人生的这个时候换工作。He nibbled at the idea of changing careers , but decided against it in the end.他略微地想了想换工作的事情,但最终决定不换了。Her career foundered, and she moved from job to job for several years.她的事业受挫,几年来不停地换工作。She explained her reasons for deciding to change jobs.她解释了决定换工作的原因。Changing jobs is always a gamble, but the opportunity looks good.换工作总是有点冒险,但机会看起来不错。She hopes the change of career will supply the missing ingredient in her life- excitement.她希望换工作能给她带来生活中一直缺失的元素 - 刺激。She mused on the possibility of changing jobs.她仔细考虑换工作的可能性。She's had the same job for five years, and she's starting to get itchy feet.这份工作她已经做了五年,她开始强烈地想换工作。If you find it hard to live on your present salary, the best remedy would be to change jobs.如果你觉得靠现时的工资难以维持生计,那最好的办法就是换工作。Why did you switch jobs?你为什么换工作?His reputation as a troublemaker told against him when he tried to change his job.他惹是生非的坏名声在他想换工作的时候对他不利了。Changing jobs can be an exciting challenge, but it can also be a time of great emotional upheaval.换工作可以是个令人兴奋的挑战,但也可以令情绪大起大落。He is changing jobs out of necessity, not because he particularly wants to.他不得已才换工作,并非是自己特别愿意。 |