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词汇 clips
例句 The lid just clips back on.盖子咔嗒一声盖回去。Use cable clips to secure loose wires.用电缆挂钩把松开的电线固定住。It's a noisy place with film clips showing constantly on one of the cafe's giant screens.这个咖啡馆很嘈杂,室内的一个大屏幕上不停地播放着电影片断。Pupils are asked to splice video clips together.学生们被要求把视频剪辑接在一起。Her name is Anastasia, which she clips to Stacey.她的名字是阿纳斯塔西娅,她自己把它缩略成斯泰西。Take some of my paper clips – I have a bunch.从我这里拿些回形针去吧,我有很多。I'll have to go through all the clips on the event before I can give an opinion.我在提出看法前先得阅读关于这一事件的所有剪报。The documentary combines interview footage and clips from his films.纪录片由访谈镜头和他参演的电影片段构成。Staff may soon be obliged to exchange their car keys for cycle clips.员工们可能很快就得把汽车钥匙换成骑自行车用的裤腿夹了。Video clips from a security camera showed the men breaking into the store.安保摄像机拍摄的一段监控录像中显示那帮人非法闯入了商店。Paper clips held the picture in place.回形针把图片固定住了。The new software makes it possible to cut and paste sound or video clips from one application to another.这种新的软件可以把一个应用程序中的声音或录像剪贴到另一程序中去。You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, and/or whatnot.你可以用这个盒子放曲别针、大头针等诸如此类的东西。Her hair was held back by two clips.她的头发用两个小夹子往后夹了起来。I think one of these paper clips will do the job.我认为有一个回形针就管用了。Video clips from the Highway Police show that the bus burst into fire after it bumped into the guardrail on the left side.高速公路警察的录影带显示那辆巴士撞到护栏之后就起火了。She fashioned a necklace from paper clips.她把别针制成了一条项链。He put his bicycle clips on and set off.他夹上自行车裤管夹出发了。The radio clips to/onto a belt.这收音机可以别在皮带上。He always clips and saves articles about people he knows.他总是把报道他熟悉的人的文章剪下来保存好。You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, and/or what have you.你可以用这个盒子放曲别针、大头针等东西。




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