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词汇 一区域
例句 Only authorized personnel can enter this area.只有得到授权的人员才能进人这一区域The police ordered the crowd to clear the area.警察命令人群离开这一区域This area behind the station is a no-go zone for tourists.车站后的这一区域游客禁止进入。The area was used as a dump.一区域被用做垃圾场。I explored the area on my day off.我趁休息的日子探察了这一区域People have been warned to keep out of the area to avoid contagion.人们已得到通知不要进入这一区域以避免接触传染。A characteristic feature of this area is the detached pillars of rock that stand in the sea.一区域的特色是耸立在海中的孤立的石柱。We are strongly opposed to the presence of America in this region.我们强烈反对美国势力介入这一区域An epidemic was tearing through the region.流行病迅速在这一区域蔓延。Dozens of officers combed the area with search dogs.几十名警官带着警犬仔细搜索了这一区域The police made a house-to-house search of the area.警方对这一区域进行了逐户搜查。The area is a paradise for duck shooters.一区域是射猎鸭子的人的天堂。The area is one of the world’s five major ocean gyres – huge systems of rotating currents. 一区域是世界上五大海洋环流之一:巨大的海水旋转流动系统。The captain charted this area out and it's quite safe to sail in it.船长在海图上标出了这个区域,在这一区域里航行是相当安全的。Lee suggested signage could make it clear that the area is open to the public.李建议通过标志清楚表明这一区域对公众开放。The tragic drowning begs the question: why are there no safe places in the area for children to swim?这起不幸的溺水事件发人深省:为什么这一区域没有供儿童游泳的安全场所?Police cameras had been specifically trained on that area.警方摄像头已特别对准那一区域




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