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词汇 一匹
例句 She's set her heart on having a pony.她非常想得到一匹小马。A soldier with a pike could bring down a charging horse.手持长矛的士兵能刺倒一匹疾驰的马。Is there really morally any difference between slaughtering a cow for food and a horse for food?为获得食物宰杀一头牛与一匹马,从道义上讲真的有区别吗?He stopped to put money on a horse.他停下来在一匹马上下了注。He put some money on a horse in the five o'clock race.他在五点钟那场比赛的一匹马身上下了赌注。Smith, a little-known outsider with limited political experience, came from behind to score a surprise victory.史密斯—一匹鲜为人知的政治黑马,从政经验有限,却后来居上意外获胜。I did a gag in which I had to jump from the back of one running horse to the back of another.我作了一次惊险表演,从一匹奔马的背上跳到另一匹奔马的背上。His horse will be a great racer.他的马会成为一匹好赛马的。He came to me astride a horse flecked with foam from a hard ride from his castle.他骑着一匹大汗淋漓的马,一路狂奔,从城堡赶到我身边。A horse had kicked her in the stomach.一匹马踢了她的腹部。One of the horses was forced to the rails.一匹赛马被逼到近围栏处。The man's strong legs bestrode a great brute horse.那个男人两条强壮的大腿跨在一匹高大暴烈的马上。Three jockeys were injured when a loose horse ran across the track.一匹脱缰的马横穿跑道,三位赛马师受了伤。He was mounted on the finest horse you could ever see.他骑着一匹难得一见的骏马。I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse!我饿得能吃下一匹马! I looked, and there he was, riding a horse.我看了看,发现他在那儿,骑着一匹马。I'm so hungry. I could eat a horse.我真饿坏了,简直可以吞下一匹马。I noticed that one of the horses was limping, and called for the vet.我注意到其中一匹马跛了,于是叫来兽医。A horse trotted past us.一匹马小跑着经过我们身边。A horse trotted past, kicking up dust from the road.一匹马小跑而过,扬起了一路尘土。The clown sang a duet with the talking horse, which brought the house down every night.每天晚上,这个小丑都和一匹会说话的马一起表演二重奏,这真让观众笑破了肚皮。He placed a bet on one of the horses.他在其中一匹马身上下了赌注。A riderless horse reared up before her.一匹无人驾驭的马前腿抬起站立在她面前。The football game was won by a sleeper, an unknown new player.足球比赛爆冷门,有一匹黑马赢球了,是一个名不见经传的新球员。The foal was sired by a cup-winning racehorse.那匹马的父亲是一匹获得过奖杯的赛马。A neighbour's horse came galloping the road, riderless.邻居家的一匹马在马路上飞奔,上面没有骑人。He heard a horse approaching at a trot.他听到一匹马正在快步跑近。He rode a pony.他骑着一匹矮种马。Only one horse finished the course without mishap.只有一匹马顺利地跑完全程。Maintaining a horse requires considerable outlay.一匹马要花不少钱。He rode in on a white Arab steed.他骑著一匹白色的阿拉伯马来。One of the horses had gone into labour while the farmer was away.农场主不在时,其中一匹马开始生产。A horse thudded over the frozen grass.一匹马蹬蹬地在冰冻的草地上狂奔。The boy trailed a toy horse after him.男孩将一匹玩具马拖在身后。Karen sat astride a large white horse.卡伦骑在一匹大白马上。For this race he had already placed a bet on one of the horses.这次赛马,他已经对其中一匹马下了赌注。He heard a horse approaching at a spanking trot.他听到一匹马正在疾步驰近。Stipes wagered all his money on an unknown horse.斯蒂普斯把他所有的钱都押在一匹不出名的马上。One of the horses, a white one, slowly ambled towards me.其中有一匹白马缓缓地向我走来。One of the horses collapsed from exhaustion after the race.其中一匹马在比赛后因精疲力竭而倒下了。




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