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词汇 一包
例句 He took a package of cigarettes out of his pocket.他从口袋里掏出一包烟。He filched a pack of gum when no one was looking.他趁人不注意偷了一包口香糖。She folded the clothes into a neat bundle.她把衣服叠成整齐的一包We watched her munch her way through a bag of peanuts.我们看着她津津有味地嚼完了一包花生米。She was carrying a large bundle of clothes.她提着厚厚的一包衣服。He dived into his pocket and produced a packet of cigarettes.他猛地把手伸进衣袋里掏出一包烟。Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps, please.来两品脱淡啤酒和一包炸馬鈴薯片。He tied his belongings up in a bundle and left.他把自己的东西捆成一包就走了。She bought a packet of smokes.她买了一包烟。I bought a bag of salted peanuts.我买了一包咸花生米。Take a pack of sterile needles and syringes.带上一包无菌针头和注射器。He was carrying a bag of groceries in each arm.他的两个手臂上各挎着一包食品杂货。A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analysing it.发现了一包白色粉末,刑侦专家正在对其进行分析。I'll freeze the other pack of sausages.我要把另一包香肠冷冻起来。The saleslady compacted a neat package out of all my wife's purchases.那位女售货员把我妻子所购买的全部东西齐齐整整扎成一包She bought a packet of shaved ham.她买了一包切成薄片的火腿。He plunked down a bag on my desk.他把一包东西啪地扔在我书桌上。What's the price of a pack of cigarettes nowadays?如今一包烟多少钱?How many needles are there in a pack?一包里有多少根针?He laboured up the stairs with his bag of groceries.他抱着一包食品杂货艰难地爬上楼梯。He smokes up to a pack of cigarettes a day.他一天要抽掉一包烟。I used to smoke a packet of cigarettes a day.我曾经一天抽一包烟。All the children were given a bag of goodies - mostly sweets and toys.所有的孩子都得到一包好东西——主要是糖果和玩具。He weighed the parcel by hand.他用手掂一掂那一包包裹的重量。He held out a squashed packet of cigarettes and offered me one.他拿出一包压得皱巴巴的香烟,给了我一支。He gave me a packet of fags.他给了我一包烟。It comes in packs of six.六个一包




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