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I can squeeze you in at four o'clock.我能挤出时间在四点钟见你。He was too busy to come and see us, but he found the time to go round to Claire's.他忙得没有时间来看我们,但却挤出了时间去克莱尔家做客。She had to shoulder her way through the crowd.她只好侧身挤出人群。She squeezed out some ketchup. = She squeezed some ketchup out.她挤出了一些番茄酱。We were crushed out of the auditorium.我们被挤出礼堂。Latin and Greek will be squeezed out of school timetables.拉丁文和希腊文课程将会被挤出学校的课程表。I wish I could find (the) time to do more reading.我希望自己能挤出时间多看一点书。Martha managed to produce a dim, watery smile.玛莎勉强挤出一丝笑容。All she could manage was a thin, wan smile.她只能挤出一丝苦笑。He forced a passage for the singer through the crowd.他从人群中挤出一条通道让歌手通过。She forced a polite smile.她挤出一丝礼节性的笑容。He managed a weary smile.他勉强挤出了一丝疲倦的笑容。It is the pressure which releases the coffee oils; these emulsify and give the coffee its rich, velvety texture.压力将咖啡的油脂挤出,这些油脂经乳化带给咖啡一种浓郁、柔滑的口感。He squeezed the tube hard and the last bit of toothpaste came out.他使劲挤牙膏管子,挤出了最后一点牙膏。He blinked hard and forced a smile.他使劲儿眨着眼睛,挤出一丝笑容。He looked dazed as he spoke to reporters, managing only a weak smile.跟记者谈话的时候,他只是勉强挤出一丝淡淡的微笑,显得非常恍惚。We burrowed a path through the crowd.我们从人群中挤出一条路来。She forced a bitter laugh.她勉强挤出一丝苦笑。She managed to summon up a smile.她勉强挤出一丝笑容。He cleared a passage for himself through the crowded streets.他在拥挤的街道上为自己挤出一条路。He squeezed on the tube until some toothpaste came out.他挤牙膏管直到挤出一些牙膏。I can probably make the time to see them.我大概可以挤出时间见见他们。Music instruction is slowly being squeezed out of the curriculum.音乐课慢慢地被挤出了课程设置。The nurse pricked my finger and squeezed out a drop of blood.护士在我的手指上扎了一下,然后挤出一滴血。His lips curved up in the obligatory smile, acknowledging the compliment.他嘴边挤出一个习惯性的微笑,对称赞表示感谢。She squeezed some juice from a lemon.她从一只柠檬中挤出了一些汁。You must find time to do it.你必须挤出时间去做这件事。I had to struggle through the crush to get to the door.我不得不奋力挤出拥挤的人群来到门口。Children came stampeding out of the school doors.孩子们争先恐后地挤出校门。He cleared a passage for himself through the crammed streets.他在拥挤的街道上挤出了一条通路。He has got no quarter from the competitors whom he had forced out of business.那些被他挤出生意圈的竞争对手们对他毫不宽容。Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows.很多入室盗窃案都是可以从狭小窗户挤进挤出的年轻人干的。He curved his mouth into a weary smile.他嘴角边挤出一丝疲惫的微笑。I extruded three ice cubes from their rubber coffin in the freezer.我从他们冰箱的橡胶冰盒里挤出三块冰块。Two men suddenly elbowed a passage through the shoppers.两名男子突然用手肘推搡着从购物者中挤出一条路来。She has trouble making time in her busy schedule for exercise.她日程安排很满,难以挤出时间来健身。Press out the excess moisture, season, and line a baking dish with the spinach.挤出多余水分,调味,在烤盘上摆好菠菜。A truck nearly ran me off the road.一辆卡车差点儿把我挤出马路。She squeezed out the last bit of toothpaste from the tube.她从牙膏管中挤出了最后一点牙膏。While we're in Australia, we're hoping to squeeze in a trip to the Barrier Reef.我们在澳大利亚期间,希望能挤出点时间去大堡礁。 |