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词汇 for anything
例句 The soldiers are ready for anything that the enemy might do.敌人不论有什么举动,士兵们都严阵以待。John always pays cash down for anything he buys.约翰经常买东西时当场就付现金。As for anything told to me in confidence, well, my lips are sealed.任何告诉我的私密,我都守口如瓶。I wouldn't have missed this summer in England for anything.本来我是说什么也不愿错过今年夏天去英格兰的。We don't use this table for anything. It's just taking up space.这张桌子对我们没有任何用处,它只是占地方。Just get the ordinary kind. No need for anything special.买个平常的就可以,不需要什么特别的。Late for work again, she gulped down a cup of milk, with no time for anything to eat.上班又要迟到了,她把一杯牛奶一饮而尽,再没有时间吃其他东西了。Are you looking for anything in particular? 你在找某个东西吗?My husband is a good provider and I've never wanted for anything.我丈夫很能赚钱,所以我从来什么都不缺。He didn't care for anything about Europe.他一点也不喜欢欧洲。I wouldn't do her job for anything.我无论如何也不会去干她干的工作。I wouldn't get married again – not for anything.我不会再结婚了,无论如何都不。He wants a full refund and he won't settle for anything less.他想全额退款,少一分也不行。She wouldn't travel by air for anything.她说什么也不愿坐飞机旅行。Net surfers can use their credit cards to pay for anything from toys to train tickets.上网者能用信用卡购买从玩具到火车票的任何东西。Once you've tasted luxury it's very hard to settle for anything else.你一旦体验过奢侈的滋味,就很难将就了。As children we never wanted for anything.作为孩子我们从不缺什么。He is such good fun – always game for anything.他很有趣,总是敢于尝试任何事情。I wouldn't be without Matthew for anything.我决不会离开马修。She's up for anything.她愿意尝试任何事物。Paul goes to all the auctions in the area looking for anything in Art Deco style.保罗参加当地的所有拍卖会,寻找任何装饰派艺术风格的东西。It was wonderful to have a place of my own. I couldn't have asked for anything better.有我自己的地方太棒了。我没有更大的奢望。They were game for anything. = They were game to try anything.他们愿意尝试任何事情。Say what you like, my kids never wanted for anything.随便你怎么说,反正我的孩子从来都不缺什么。He may be rich and famous but I wouldn't change places with him for anything in the world.他也许既有钱又有名,但拿什么我都不会和他交换。I like my life, and I wouldn't change it for anything.我喜欢我的生活,无论如何我都不会去改变它。I wouldn't get married again for anything.我决不会再结婚。Uncle Matt was really cheap - he used to stay with us for weeks, and he never paid for anything.马特叔叔真吝啬,以前他在我们家一待就是几个星期,却从不肯出一分钱。"Are you looking for anything in particular, sir?" "No, I'm just browsing."“先生,您想要些什么?”“不,我只是随便看看。”He would not go with us for anything.他说什么也不肯同我们一起去。That fellow's got neck enough for anything.这家伙厚颜无耻,什么都干得出来。The fashion-conscious will go for anything under the sun!流行意识将无所不在。I wouldn't go back there for anything.我决不回那里去。She's crazy for anything having to do with Japanese animation.任何与日本动漫有关的东西都让她着迷。I hope you'll all keep your eyes and ears open for anything unusual.希望你们大家都能密切注意任何不寻常的事情。Don't be dependent on anyone for anything.什么事都不要依赖别人。He may be an honest person for anything I know.说不定他是个诚实的人。I wouldn't want to move for anything in the world.就是天塌了我也不搬走。She bawls for anything she wants.她要什么东西总是大喊大叫。Microblogs, for example on Twitter, can be for anything from "what I'm doing now" to coverage of serious political events.以推特为例,微博客可以用来说“我现在在干什么”,也可以覆盖严肃的政治事件。




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