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词汇 for a long time
例句 The strains of music hung on for a long time.乐曲声久久回荡。She can balance herself on one foot for a long time.她能单足站立很久。She stared at the burning embers for a long time.她久久凝望着那燃烧的余火。The entire house reeked for a long time.整所房子长时间以来一直臭气熏天。How's it going, Tom? I haven't seen you for a long time.怎么样,汤姆?好久没有看到你了。He has been bent on becoming a lawyer for a long time.长期以来他一直想成为一名律师。The memory of the incident stayed with him for a long time.他对那场事故久久不能忘怀。The book has been in gestation for a long time.这本书已经构思很长时间了。I stared at him for a long time and the penny dropped.我盯着他看了好久,最后终于明白了。Do not mention world War Ⅱ to him, he will hold forth on it for a long time.别和他提起二战,一谈到这个话题他就会滔滔不绝地大谈一通,停也停不下来。Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel dizzy and light-headed.长时间不睡觉让我觉得头晕目眩。She was abroad for a long time.她在国外待了很久。You will feel more buoyant and optimistic about the future than you have for a long time.对于未来,你的感觉会比过去很长一段时间里更加自信和乐观。Oranges can be kept for a long time without going mouldy.橙子可以存放很长时间而不发霉。I hadn't practiced for a long time, so I was really rusty.我很长时间没有练习,所以相当生疏了。She's had her eye on that house for a long time.她想买那幢房子已经好长时间了。Granny says if she stands for a long time her ankles hurt.奶奶说她站久了脚踝会疼。He has been looking forward to going to England for a long time.好久以来他一直盼望去英国。Jack and Mary had been married for a long time but gradually drifted apart until they separated.杰克和玛丽结婚已有很长时间,但后来渐渐地疏远了,直到最后分手。They kept their life hitching for a long time.有好长一段时间,他们一直保持着和谐美好的生活。She deliberated over the decision for a long time before she made up her mind.她就这个决定慎重考虑了很久,然后才打定主意。It's difficult to keep your self-respect when you have been unemployed for a long time.你在长时间失业之后,就很难保持自尊了。She stayed out of trouble for a long time, but then she relapsed into her old ways.她很久没惹事了,但后来又重蹈过去的恶习。Hey there, stranger. We haven't seen you around here for a long time.嗨,稀客呀,我们好久没见到你来这里了。The gunfire kept up for a long time.炮火持续了很长时间。He lay on the bed for a long time.他在床上躺了好长时间。Watching TV for a long time dulls one's wits.长时间看电视使人头脑迟钝。One's been here for a long time.人家已经在这里很久了。We trudged the deserted road for a long time.我们在荒芜的路上跋涉了很长时间。I've known them for a long time. 我认识他们很多年了。He remarked to Jane that he had not heard from Sally for a long time.他对简说已经好久没收到萨莉的信了。Those two countries have been at war with each other for a long time.那两个国家已互相打了很久的仗。The opinion that carrots should be grown in sandy soil does not hold water for a long time.胡萝卜应在沙地中种植的观点没能站得住脚。She conked off for a long time after supper.她在晚饭后睡了老半天。We protested about the changes for a long time, but in the end we had to submit.我们对这些变动抗议了很长时间,但最终不得不屈服。Hello there, I haven't seen you for a long time.嗨,好久不见了。He has to know you for a long time before he really begins to come out of his shell.他非得认识你有很长时间之后才会真正愿意与你攀谈。We had to talk to Sam for a long time before he came round to our way of thinking.我们只好和萨姆长谈一次,然后他才转而同意我们的想法。Homelessness has been on the increase for a long time.长期以来无家可归者的人数一直在增加。If you are the victim of a burglary, the emotional upset can affect you for a long time.如果你家里被盗,烦恼不安的心情会影响你很长时间。




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