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What causes these changes is anybody's guess. 大家都拿不准是什么导致了这些变化。She couldn't tell if he was being snide, so she took the question straight.她拿不准他是不是在讽刺她,便干脆按字面去理解这个问题。I was unsure whether this was meant as an insult or a compliment, but he didn't choose to enlarge on his remark.我拿不准这话算是侮辱还是称赞,但他不肯把话再说得详细些。I'm a little hazy on/about the details.对于那些细节我有点儿拿不准。She had reservations about changing jobs.她对要不要换工作拿不准主意。Privately, I'm not so sure it's a good idea.在内心深处,我拿不准这是不是个好主意。She thinks we should go now, but I don't know. Maybe we should wait.她觉得我们现在就该走了,而我拿不准。也许我们该等等。I doubt whether we shall succeed.我拿不准我们是否会成功。I wasn't sure whether you'd like it.我拿不准你是否喜欢它。I was dubious about our chances for success.我拿不准我们能否成功。Frank was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him.弗兰克实在拿不准这工作是不是适合他。Armstrong is uncertain where his long-term future lies.阿姆斯特朗拿不准他长期从事什么会成功。I'm not very good at drawing people - I can never get the proportions right.我画人物不太在行——我从来都拿不准比例。Choosing a restaurant can be a real crapshoot when you're in an unfamiliar city.在不熟悉的城市里选一家餐馆的确是件拿不准的事。He stood hesitating over whether to join the fight.他站在那里,拿不准是否要加入打斗。I remained uncertain as to the value of his suggestions.他的这些建议价值如何,我有些拿不准。If you're not sure what to do, look in the rule book.如果你拿不准该做什么,就查阅规则手册。I doubt if they'll come.我拿不准他们会不会来。He wasn't sure whether it was an act of carelessness or an act of outright deception.他拿不准这是疏忽大意之举还是彻头彻尾的欺骗行为。She seemed unsure of whether to play her role seriously or for laughs.她似乎拿不准是该严肃地扮演角色还是该以玩笑处之。She is uncertain of what she wants and is open to persuasion.她拿不准自己想要什么,愿意听听别人的说法。She remains uncertain about her plans.她对自己的计划仍拿不准。It's anybody's guess what's going to happen next.接下来会发生什么事情,谁都拿不准。Last week I felt sure I was doing the right thing but I've started to feel a bit wobbly about it.上周我很肯定自己做对了,可是现在我觉得有点拿不准了。He doubted if he would learn anything new.他拿不准自己能不能学到什么新东西。Scientists are becoming increasingly unsure of the validity of this technique.科学家们越来越拿不准这一技术是否是正当合法的。He was uncertain about his brother's intentions.他拿不准他哥哥的意图是什么。We weren't sure about which route we should take.我们拿不准应该走哪条路线。When in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary.拿不准词义时,查查词典。He wasn't at all sure Sarah was up to that.他一点都拿不准萨拉能否胜任。She doubted the propriety of letting him buy her presents.她拿不准让他为她买礼物是否得体。I doubt if many viewers giggled except nervously.我拿不准许多发出咯咯笑声的观众是不是出于神经质。He wandered around, uncertain of the direction to take.他四处徘徊,拿不准该走哪个方向。I am not sure whether I was knocked over by the blast or whether I just fell.我拿不准自己是被爆炸的气浪掀翻的还是恰巧跌了一跤。He was uncertain whether to write under his own name or adopt a pseudonym.他拿不准写作时是用真名还是用笔名。She's not sure if she wants a baby.她拿不准自己是否想要孩子。He was uncertain as to which road to take.他拿不准该走哪条路。 |