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词汇 场上
例句 Kelly was outstanding and outshone every other player on the field.凯利在场上的表现非常突出,使其他选手都相形见绌。He has won his last two starts and he looked a ball of muscle when working in the field.它已经赢了上两场比赛,当它在场上奔跑的时候,看上去非常健硕。The team have had a bad year, both on and off the field.该球队这一年场上场下都不顺。She has a natural instinct for making the right decisions in her job.她有在职场上做出正确决策的天生禀赋。He ran a finely judged race.他赛跑时对场上情况判断得很精确。He was a great football player known for his mobility on the field.他是名了不起的橄榄球运动员,以在场上机动灵活著称。We were really under the cosh with ten men and never really looked like getting back into the game.我们只有十人在场上,疲于防守,没有还手之力。Caldow had been stretchered off with a broken leg.卡多的腿断了,被用担架从场上抬了下来。Chris was also the best player on the park.克里斯同时也是场上的最佳球员。There were ten double plays completed.场上完成了十次双杀。Those runners used their wits and strength to claw back the points being lost in the field.那些跑垒员用他们的智慧和体力补回了场上丢失的分数。Their conduct both on and off the pitch was excellent.他们场上场下都表现出众。The player with the ball zigzagged back and forth down the field.带球队员在场上闪躲着前后跑动。The decisive goal arrived against the run of play.这个决定性的进球逆转了场上的局势。She never lost her social poise, however awkward the situation.不管场面有多尴尬,她从未在社交场上失态。Tardelli had a poor match, although in fairness he was playing with a knee injury.塔尔代利在场上表现很差,但说句公道话,他是带着膝伤参加比赛的。The decisive goal arrived against the run of play.这个决定性的得分逆转了场上的局势。The players must crystallize their grievances into on-field action.运动员们必须把怨愤化为场上的力量。They were out in freezing conditions shovelling snow off the pitch.他们在外面冒着严寒铲掉球场上的雪。A spectator ran onto the field and attacked the referee.一位观众跑到场上去殴打裁判。He was a real gentleman both on and off court and a delight to play.场上场下他都是一位绅士,和他一起打球是一种享受。The manager has made no positional changes for the second game.总教练在第二场比赛中没有对场上位置进行调整。He was the best player on the pitch by a mile.他绝对是场上最棒的球员。He had never been knocked out in a professional fight.在职业拳击场上他从未被击倒。He was the best player on the pitch today.他是今天场上表现最好的选手。The fact that Liverpool had only ten men playing for them gave the other team an advantage.利物浦队场上只有十个队员,这一点使对手占了便宜。The crowds were once again entertained by the number-one tennis player's antics on and off the court.这位头号网球运动员在场上场下做的滑稽动作再次把观众逗得开怀不已。The team had no chance of striking gold in track and field.这支队伍中无人有机会在田径赛场上拿金牌。As he ran down the field, the defender kept up with him stride for stride. 当他在场上向前跑时,对方防守队员步步紧逼。Spain issued an unprecedented apology yesterday over the vile racist soccer chants.西班牙队昨天破天荒头一回就足球赛场上令人反感的种族主义加油口号作出道歉。The winning football team chaired their captain round the field.获胜的足球队把队长高高抬着在场上兜了一圈。As a football player, his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner.作为一名足球运动员,他最大的优点是他在场上沉着冷静的风度。She paced the other runners for the first half of the race.比赛的前半程她控制了场上的节奏。Ian came off the squash court covered in sweat.伊恩从壁球场上下来,浑身是汗。They shot well from the field but they missed too many free throws.他们场上常规投篮很好,但却有太多的罚球不中。The players conducted themselves impeccably, both on and off the field.这些选手无论在场上或场下的表现都无懈可击。They finally managed to raise him at Miller's sheep farm.他们终于通过无线电在米勒的养羊场上与他取得了联系。A second player was sent off, from the other team this time, which did even things up a bit.第二个球员被罚出场,这次是另一队的,这样确实使场上局面显得更公平了些。She's the best player on the park. 她是场上最好的球员。The boxer took a pounding in the ring.这名拳击手在场上不断遭到猛击。




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