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On the bus she'd powdered her face and fluffed out her hair.她在公共汽车上时已经在脸上擦了粉,拍松了头发。She plumped up the pillows for her daughter.她为女儿把枕头拍松。She fluffed up her pillow and snuggled deeper into bed.她把枕头拍松,钻进了被子里。I'll just fluff up your pillows for you.我来为你把枕头拍松。I stumbled into the loo, touched up my make-up, fluffed up my hair.我踉跄着跑进洗手间,补了补妆,拍松了头发。She panics when people pop in unexpectedly, rushing round plumping cushions.一群人冷不防地冒出来,跑来跑去地拍松垫子,这把她吓坏了。 |