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词汇 handle
例句 US officials have said they have not yet determined how to handle his case.美国官员表示他们尚未决定如何处理他的案子。He put too much pressure on the door handle and it snapped.他用力过猛,把门把手弄断了。Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.我们的计划是分派一位职员处理预约事宜。The couple hired an investigator to handle the case.这对夫妇请了个私人侦探来处理这个案子。To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle the job.说实话,我不知道自己是否能做好这份工作。All the staff are trained to handle difficult customers.所有的工作人员都接受了应付难缠顾客的培训。The company hired a large law firm to handle the case.公司雇了一家大的律师事务所来打这场官司。Few people can handle Antarctica's punishing cold.很少有人能受得了南极洲的严寒。The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle.第一代手机用起来很笨重,而现在的手机就轻便多了。Instead of being at one o'clock on the club handle, the left thumb would be directly on top of the shaft, at twelve o'clock.左手拇指不要放在球杆柄的一点钟位置,而应直接放在球杆顶部正上方位置。The door handle keeps falling off.门把手老是掉下来。Whatever type of company you have, you put your reputation on the line when you handle complaint calls.不论你在哪类公司工作,你要是去处理投诉电话,那就是拿自己的名誉在冒险了。Can you fix the door? The handle's come off.你能把门修一下吗?把手掉了。The knife had a rounded wooden handle.小刀有一个圆的木制手柄。The pan handle is red-hot, so don't touch it.煎锅柄烫得发红,所以别去碰它。The handle of the bat was wrapped with tape.这个球拍柄用胶带缠着。She knew how to handle publicity.她知道如何做宣传。He wound a handle and the lift ground to a halt.他拧转把手,升降梯猛然停住。She cannot handle pressure.她承受不了压力。With a quick twist of his wrist, he turned the handle.他手腕猛地一扭,转动了把手。How do you handle letters without postage stamps on them in your country?你们国家是如何处理不贴邮票的信件的? We handle many chemicals that require special safety precautions.我们处理各种需要特别安全措施的化学物。Can he handle the pressure of the job?他能处理好工作压力吗?Don't let your conduct give any handle for gossip.别让你的行为成为人家说三道四的话柄。The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。The foregoing are some of the problems we have to handle.上述是我们必须处理的问题中的几个。I don't beat myself up. I don't deal with things I can't handle.我不会为难自己的,力所不及的事我是不会干的。Please handle this package with care.这个包裹请轻拿轻放。I'd pick fights about nothing and fly off the handle at the tiniest irritation.我会无缘无故地找事,稍不如意就大发脾气。Federal agents handle passenger and luggage screening at the airport.联邦探员在机场对旅客和行季实行安检。The airport can handle large numbers of travelers.这个机场能接待大量旅客。His hand closed on the frying pan's handle.他的手抓住煎锅的柄。She can't handle it when people criticize her.人们批评她,她就不知所措。I didn't know how to handle these people.我不知道如何对付这些人。Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow.医院附近搭起了帐篷以安置容纳不下的病员。I knew how to load and handle a gun.我知道如何给枪上子弹和怎么打枪。The computer can handle one million instructions per second.这台计算机每秒钟可处理一百万个指令。She wedged a chair firmly under the door handle.她在门把手的下面紧紧地顶上一把椅子。She's grown so tall that she can reach the door handle now.她个子长高了,能够着门把手。In a short-sleeved rain jacket, he seemed ill-equipped to handle the wet and windy conditions.他穿着短袖雨衣,似乎难以对付这风雨交加的天气。




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