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词汇 抢劫
例句 The robbery was an act of desperation. 这次抢劫是铤而走险的行为。Pirates boarded the vessel and robbed the passengers.海盗登上船只,抢劫旅客。The police replayed the video of the robbery in court.警察在法庭上重放了抢劫过程发生时的监控录像。They were charged with banditry and smuggling.他们被指控有抢劫和走私行为。The woman had been robbed and was badly shaken.那个女人遭人抢劫,受到了极大的惊吓。She robbed a bank while out on parole.她在假释期间抢劫了一家银行。Someone on the inside must have helped with the robbery.一定有内应为这次抢劫提供了帮助。Refugees had complained of being robbed and beaten by officials.难民控诉说他们遭到官员的抢劫和殴打。Someone tipped them off that there would be a robbery.有人向他们透露说将会有抢劫发生。Police say money and jewellery were taken in the raid.警方说钱和珠宝都在这次抢劫中被抢走了。The pirates harried the towns along the coast.海盗抢劫沿海城市。A police patrol happened upon a robbery in a bank yesterday.一名巡警昨天碰巧遇上了发生在一家银行的抢劫If anyone ever tried to mug me, I would throw my bag and run.要是有什么人想抢劫我,我会扔了包就跑。They'd robbed the bank in broad daylight.他们在光天化日之下抢劫了银行。The rioters set fires and looted with impunity.暴徒们放火、抢劫,却未受惩罚。The suspect has two priors for robbery. 这个嫌疑人有两次抢劫前科。The police are increasing their efforts to prevent car thefts and subsequent ram-raiding.警方正在加大力度防止汽车盗窃以及随之产生的飞车抢劫商店的犯罪。Two customers foiled a raid on a local post office.两名顾客挫败了对当地一家邮局的抢劫The gang of robbers waylaid and robbed travelers.这帮强盗拦路埋伏抢劫旅客。Robbery is a criminal act.抢劫是犯罪行为。In the hold-up, a masked youth threatened the bank staff with a gun.在这一抢劫事件中,一个蒙面的年轻歹徒用枪威胁银行的职员。The police collared him less than twenty minutes after the robbery.抢劫发生后,警方不到二十分钟就抓到了他。She decided to move from the city after she was mugged for the third time in less than a year.在不到一年的时间里被人抢劫了三次之后,她决定搬走,离开这个城市。An eighty-year-old man was robbed at knifepoint in his home.一名八十岁老翁在自己家中被人持刀抢劫Robbery, rape, drug dealing – these are just some of the crimes that are on the increase.抢劫、强奸、毒品交易,这些仅是不断增多的犯罪活动中的几种而已。The robbery went wrong and they got caught.抢劫行动出了岔子,他们被抓住了。Police said Stefanovski had robbed a man just hours earlier.警察说斯泰凡诺夫斯基就在几个小时前抢劫了一名男子。We believe she may have played a part in the robbery.我们认为她可能参与了抢劫He claims to know nothing about the robbery.他声称对这次抢劫一无所知。He was arrested on suspicion of robbery. 他因涉嫌抢劫而被捕。The motive behind the killing of Agnes Law was robbery.杀死阿格尼丝·劳背后的动机是抢劫An armed raider held up the village store last week.上星期一个武装劫匪抢劫了这家乡村商店。As reports of robberies continued to appear in the press, the whole community was increasingly on edge.有关抢劫的报道持续地见诸报端,整个社会都越来越紧张。The tourists were ambushed and robbed while riding in the desert.旅游者们在沙漠中骑行时遭到伏击和抢劫They were robbed at knifepoint. 他们被人持刀抢劫了。Simple greed was at the root of the robbery. 抢劫的根本原因在于贪心。The thieves cased Wilson's house before the robbery.那些盗贼在抢劫前窥探了威尔逊的住宅。There were stories of tourists being drugged and robbed.据说有游客被麻醉后遭抢劫The robbery was an act of desperation.这次抢劫是铤而走险之举。The police gave the lie to the man who said that he had been at home during the robbery.那人说抢劫发生时他一直在家,警察斥责他是在说谎。




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