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词汇 找工作
例句 She began the job search on her own initiative.她开始主动去找工作My parents never put any pressure on me to get a job.父母从来没有催我找工作Students are understandably anxious about getting work after graduation.学生对毕业后找工作感到担忧,这是可以理解的。After a spell of self-employment he applied for jobs in New York.在个体经营了一段时间以后他又到纽约去找工作了。My experience in the Peace Corps really opened doors for me when I started looking for a job.开始找工作时,我在和平队的经历确实为我提供了机会。I am continuing to apply for jobs.我正在继续找工作Against his mother's wishes, he decided to quit school and look for a job.他不顾母亲的意愿,决定辍学去找工作Don't ask him about the job search - it's a bit of a sore point.别问他找工作的事情——都成了他的心病了。People migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work.人们为找工作而迁移到雅加达这类城市里。Since leaving the army, he's spent most of his time looking for a job.退伍后,他大部分时间都在找工作Lack of education was a liability in getting a job.缺少教育对找工作不利。She's going to have problems finding a job even if she gets her A levels.即使通过了高级程度考试,她以后找工作也成问题。He does not like his job, but is too timid to try to find another.他不喜欢自己的工作,但胆子太小,不敢尝试另找工作Family connections can make getting a job much easier.有亲戚关系找工作会容易得多。Murdock lost no time in setting out for London to find work.默多克马上就去伦敦找工作His family remained at home while he looked for work in London.他到伦敦找工作时,他的家人就呆在家里。I had gone to Maine looking for a place to work.我去了缅因州找工作In order to get a job, you have to have a Social Security number.为了找工作,你必须要有一个社会保险号码。The book contains information on how to find a job abroad.这本书有如何在国外找工作的信息。An online résumé allows you to use the Internet to assist you in your job hunt.在线简历助你利用因特网找工作He was browsing through the want ads in the newspaper, looking for a job.他正在浏览报纸上的招聘广告找工作He got laid off, so now he's looking for work again.他被裁了,所以现在又在找工作了。Each summer a new batch of students tries to find work.每年夏季都有新的一批学生要找工作When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec.找工作的时候,阿德里安喜欢通过上网和写信去碰运气。Measure are being taken to stop employment agencies exploiting foreign workers desperate to find a job.正在采取措施阻止职业介绍所剥削急着找工作的外国劳工。She's out there every day pounding the pavement, looking for work.为了找工作,她每天都在街上奔走。Her uncle said he would help her to find a job.她叔叔说会帮她找工作He's the despair of his parents because he shows no interest in getting a job.他对找工作没有任何兴趣,让父母感到非常头疼。I lost my temper and told him straight that I hadn't been looking for any job.我生气了,直截了当地告诉他我压根儿就没在找工作How long have you been looking for work?找工作有多长时间了?The boy looking for a job has testimonials from his teachers and former employers.那个找工作的小伙子有他的老师和以前的雇主的推荐信。His prospects of finding another job are bleak.他另找工作的希望很渺茫。Once I had finished my exams, I could give my undivided attention to looking for a job.考试一结束,我就可以一心一意去找工作了。She tried to hide the fact that she was looking for another job.她力图隐瞒她正在另找工作的事。As long as the school system keeps offering uncompetitive wages, people looking for jobs will apply elsewhere.只要教育系统给出的工资依旧缺乏竞争力,找工作的人就会到别处去求职。There is a learning curve in the process of seeking employment.找工作有一个经验累积的过程。In today's competitive climate, success is most likely to come to those who understand the need for a structured approach to job hunting.在当今竞争激烈的环境中,那些明白在找工作时需要条理清晰的人最有可能成功。If you're looking for a job you need to be flexible about where you're prepared to work.如果你在找工作,对于工作地点不能挑三拣四。His lack of education was a disadvantage when he looked for a job.他缺少教育,这在找工作时是一个不利条件。She has made no secret of the fact that she wants to get another job.她没有隐瞒自己想另找工作这一事实。




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