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词汇 subtleties
例句 She was too young to grasp the subtleties of the movie.她还太年轻,理解不了电影中的种种精妙之处。When a book goes into translation, all those linguistic subtleties get lost.当一部书被翻译成另一种语言后,所有那些语言上的精妙之处就都丢失了。All the subtleties of the music are conveyed in this new recording.新的录音把乐曲中的细微之处表现得淋漓尽致。The discerning reader will appreciate the subtleties of Boyd's humour.有眼光的读者会欣赏博伊德幽默的微妙之处。The subtleties of his argument evaded me.他机敏的辩论把我难到了。Very few people truly appreciate the subtleties of her musical compositions.很少有人真正领会到她的音乐作品的微妙之处。His fascination with the subtleties of human behaviour makes him a good storyteller.他对人们行为上的细微差别极感兴趣,这使他成了一个很会讲故事的人。Some of the subtleties of the language are lost in translation.语言中的一些微妙之处在译文中丢失了。I think the translator missed some of the subtleties of the original.我认为译者没有把原文中的一些微妙之处翻译出来。




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