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词汇 substitute for
例句 It was never intended as a substitute for the real thing.它绝非是用来以假乱真的。Carob is used as a substitute for chocolate.角豆粉是巧克力的替代品。Industry has been working at developing harmless substitutes for these gases.该行业一直在努力开发一些可以替代这些气体的无害物质。Business sponsorship must be a supplement to, not a substitute for, public funding.商业赞助必须是公共基金的一种补充,而不能取而代之。He was substituted for another midfielder because of his injury.他因受伤,而被另一名中场球员替换下场。The company produces substitutes for engine oil.这家公司生产机油的替代品。I'm allowed to eat ersatz chocolate made from carob beans, but it's a poor substitute for the real thing.他们允许我吃用角豆做的巧克力替代品,不过这种以假代真的东西太蹩脚了。Men fantasise as a substitute for acting out forbidden desires.人类通过幻想宣泄压抑的欲望。She is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry.那个男人的离去令她伤心痛哭,她正想找一个人填补内心的空缺。Would phone conversations substitute for cosy chats over lunch or in the pub after work?.打电话能代替午餐时或下班后在酒吧里的惬意闲谈吗?Many children will cling to a soft blanket or toy as a substitute for their mother at night.许多小孩子夜里会抱着软软的毛毯或玩具代替他们的母亲。Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.国产零件取代进口零件。There's no substitute for hard work.无论什么都代替不了努力工作。You can read about other countries, but there's no substitute for visiting them yourself.你可以阅读有关其他国家的信息,但是什么也代替不了亲自到访体验。Hard work is important, but it is no substitute for raw talent.勤奋很重要,但替代不了天赋。Watching the movie is a poor substitute for reading the book.看电影难以代替看书。Nothing could substitute for mother's milk.什么也替代不了母乳。Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar?糖精是糖的良好替代品吗? The coach has to find a substitute for Tim.教练得找一个替补蒂姆的人选。There's no substitute for aggressive, man-to-man defense.什么也代替不了凶悍的人盯人防守。Gas-fired power stations will substitute for less efficient coal-fired equipment.以煤气为燃料的发电站将会代替效率较低的燃煤装置。Only art can substitute for nature.唯有艺术能代替自然。Rituals and superstitions may become a substitute for a religious life.宗教仪式和迷信活动可能成为宗教生活的替代物。Bill substituted for Larry, who was off sick.拉里因病没有上班,比尔替了他。Applesauce can substitute for vegetable oil in this recipe.在这个食谱中,可以用苹果酱代替植物油。Carob is a healthy substitute for chocolate.角豆是可以替代巧克力的健康食品。In the last 5 minutes of play, the coach let a back substitute for a forward to keep the score of 1∶0.在比赛的最后5分钟,教练让一名后卫换下了一名前锋,想把 1∶0 的比分保持到终场。The material is an economical substitute for plastic or steel.这种材料是塑料或钢铁的廉价替代品。Mark will substitute for me tomorrow.马克明天替我的班。The printed word is no substitute for personal discussion with a great thinker.阅读印在纸上的内容远不如与伟大的思想家面对面探讨那般受益。Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese.低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极佳替代品。Would you please substitute for me tomorrow?明天你能替我个班吗?Inspiration is no substitute for solid hard work.灵光一现取代不了扎扎实实的辛勤工作。Can you look for something to substitute for petrol?你能找点什么东西来当汽油用吗?Surfing and blogging on the Internet can become a substitute for real life.泡网和上网写博客有可能成为现实生活的一种替代。Bread is a poor substitute for a varied diet of more nutritious foods.面包无法替代营养更加丰富的多样化膳食。When learning a language, there is no substitute for living among native speakers.学习一种语言,没有比生活在母语使用者当中更好的方法了。Yogurt is a perfectly acceptable substitute for cream in cooking.酸奶是烹饪时特别受欢迎的奶油替代品。Ten minutes into the second half Davies was brought on as substitute for Ward.下半场开始十分钟后,戴维斯被派上场代替沃德。Tom substituted for the injured player.汤姆替换了那个受伤的运动员。




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