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I'll look out that recipe I told you about and send it to you.我会把跟你说过的那个菜谱找出来寄给你。I can't remember the name of the book, but if you're interested I can find out.我记不起书名了,不过你要是感兴趣的话,我可以找出来。Try to isolate the problems that are causing you the most difficulty.尽量把给你造成最大困难的问题找出来。Get out your winter woollies.把你冬天穿的毛线衣找出来。Molly tried to hide the presents but the children were too clever for her and found them within minutes.莫莉想把礼物藏起来,但孩子们太聪明了,没几分钟就把礼物找出来了。I dug out his novel and read it again.我把他的小说找出来又读了一遍。I must remember to dig out that book for you.我必须记着把那本书给你找出来。I'll look out the photographs you want to see.我将把你想看的照片找出来。See if you can spot the odd one out in the list.让我看看你能否在名单中把那个与众不同的找出来。As usual, there was a bomb ticking somewhere and James Bond had to find it.像往常一样,有一颗定时炸弹在滴答滴答地响,而詹姆斯·邦德必须得把它找出来。I'll dig out my old college notes later.我以后会把上大学时的旧笔记找出来。I'm going through my wardrobe and throwing out all the clothes I don't wear any more.我要把衣柜彻底清理一下,把不穿的衣服都找出来扔掉。 |