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词汇 diary
例句 I pulled my diary from beneath a pile of files.我从一堆卷宗下面抽出日记本。She kept a diary while she was traveling in Europe.她在欧洲旅行时一直坚持写日记。She kept a diary/journal.她坚持写日记。The diary entries were tantalizingly brief.条条日记都很简短,激起了人们的好奇。It is useful to keep a diary.记日记有用。The finished book was more of a personal diary than an autobiography.这本写完的书与其说是自传,倒不如说是私人日记。I usually put it in my diary when I see the wild flowers coming out.我看到野花开时总会记在日记里。He has a diary of death, so you can see which stars copped it on your birthday.他有一本死亡日记,你从中可以知道哪些明星是在你的生日那天死去的。The President's secretary looked tired, his face a diary of the past few weeks.总统秘书显出劳累的样子,他的脸上留着过去几周来紧张工作的痕迹。The diary comes complete with a gold-coloured ballpoint pen.这个日记本配有一支金色的圆珠笔。Hold on, I'll check in my diary.等一下,我要查查我的记事簿。The slimline diary fits easily into a handbag.这本细长的日记本很容易装进手提包里。I roughed in the layout of the mine in the back of my diary.我在记事簿的背面粗略地画出了矿井的布局图。A diary is an intimate book.日记是私人的记事本。Very little information is given in the diary entries.日记中给出的信息很少。You read her diary? Just make sure she never finds out!你看了她的日记了?可千万别让她发现!Her address is in my diary but I haven't got it with me.她的地址在我记事本上,但是我没带记事本。She hunted out an old diary.她翻寻出一本旧日记。I usually write odd notes in the back of diary.我通常在日记后面作些零星杂录。That's my diary, but what's it doing on your desk?那是我的日记,怎么会在你的书桌上呢?She recorded her impressions of the city in her diary.她在日记中记下了自己对这座城市的印象。He raked through her last diary for clues.他仔仔细细地在她最后的日记中寻找线索。The following is an extract from her diary.接下来是摘自她日记中的一段。As I scribbled in my diary the light went out.我正草草地写着日记,灯灭了。I'll put it in my diary.我会把它写进日记里。The book contains extracts from his diary and private letters.这本书包含了他日记和私人信件的节选。The diary was published with numerous excisions. 这本日记在做了许多删减后出版了。Her diary contains no reference to the alleged appointment.她的日记上根本没记什么所谓的约会。He jotted down observations on the places he visited in his travel diary.他在旅行日记中简要记下了对游览过的地方的观感。This was the diary in which Gina recorded her innermost thoughts and secrets.这是吉娜记载内心深处思想和秘密的那本日记。His private papers include a diary of his first year in parliament.他的私人资料中包括一本记述他在国会第一年经历的日记。Julie made a note in her diary.朱莉在她的日记中做了记录。Stephanie travelled through time, scrolling up and down the pages of the diary.斯蒂芬妮花费时间上下滚屏翻阅那日记的页面。She backdated the diary entry to make it look as if it had been written before the murder took place.她给那篇日记填了比实际日期早的时间,让它看上去就像是在谋杀案发生前已经写好的。He cast the story in the form of a diary.他以日记形式编排这个故事。All of the scandalous parts had been excised from the diary.所有丢脸的内容都已从日记中删除了。She used to hide her diary under her pillow.她过去常把自己的日记藏在枕头下。I'm sorry but my diary is personal. I don't let anyone else read it.对不起,日记是私人物品,我不允许别人阅读。She tore a page out of her diary and wrote her phone number on it.她从日记本上撕下一页,把她的电话号码写在上面。She shared her suspicions with no one but her diary.她没有向任何人吐露自己的猜疑,只写在日记中。




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