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词汇 dicey
例句 The company's finances look a little dicey.该公司的财务状况似乎有些风险。Taking the mountain road is always a bit dicey at this time of year.在一年中的这个时候走山路总是有点冒险的。It's too dicey to base this policy on what might happen in the coming year.这项政策要是以来年的形势为基础是太冒险了。I think it is a bit dicey for you to blow your cover now.我认为,这个时候你暴露身份是有点危险的。The weather looks a little dicey this morning. I hope it doesn't rain.今天早晨天气看起来不太好,我希望不会下雨。Starting a business can be quite a dicey proposition.创业是件很有风险的事情。The future looks pretty dicey for small businesses.小型企业的前途看来不妙。There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.当我们的一位队友冒险攀爬崖壁时,出现了比较危险的一刻。




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