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He carried out the task with ardour.他满怀热情地去执行这项任务。He faced formidable opposition in carrying through this policy.在执行这一政策的过程中,他遭到难以抵挡的反对。Troops were sent into the area to enforce the treaty.部队被派遣到这一地区来执行该条约。The movements are executed with the utmost precision.以最大限度的精确性执行该移动。The directors make the decisions, but it's the managers who have to execute them.董事作决定,但由经理执行。He had begun to jib at carrying out the orders of his masters.他开始不想执行主人的命令了。Today its executive committee voted unanimously to reject the proposals.今天执行委员会投票一致否决了这些提案。Next summer's exams would be straightforward to administer and mark.明年夏天的考试在执行和评分上都将很简单。I was heading on a secret mission that made my flesh crawl.我正要执行一项让我心惊肉跳的秘密任务。In practice, the regulations are rarely enforced.实际上,这些条例很少得以执行。He has an outstanding warrant for his arrest.逮捕他的令状未得到执行。Hangings took place outside the prison as a public spectacle.在监狱外执行绞刑是为了示众。Others were wounded, agonizing for hours in silence so as to not betray their mission by revealing their presence.其他人则受了伤,在疼痛中默默忍受数小时,为的是不暴露自己,不泄露所执行的任务。They were mustered every morning and told off to different tasks.他们每天早晨集合,被分派去执行各种任务。They carried out orders without question.他们毫不犹豫地执行了命令。He informed me about my rights with respect to the forthcoming extradition.他就我在行将执行的引渡问题上的权利对我作了说明。A nurse should be punctilious in following the doctor's orders.护士应该一丝不苟地执行医嘱。The policy ensures a uniform standard of health care throughout the country.该政策确保全国都执行统一的医疗保健标准。Numbly, I followed his orders.我麻木地执行他的命令。The determination of policy is not your business - your job is to implement it.政策的确定与你无关——你的工作就是执行。The massacre was never fully investigated because the police were incapable of carrying out the task.对这场大屠杀从没有展开过全面的调查,原因是警方没有能力执行这个任务。Economic policy in Europe should not be run by an unaccountable committee of governors of central banks.欧洲经济政策不应由不负责任的央行行长委员会来执行。He also served on the National Front's national executive committee.他还曾就职于民族阵线全国执行委员会。I had skated on thin ice on many assignments and somehow had, so far, got away with it.我冒着风险执行过很多任务,到目前为止还算安然无恙。The plan presupposes that the state has enough money to carry it out.计划制订之初就假定这个州有足够执行经费。It has been apparent that in other areas standards have held up well.显然,这些标准在其他地区执行得很好。He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.他受西非经济共同体的委托介入并执行停火协定。The committee, after much discussion, had decided to go ahead with the proposal to ban cigarette advertising.该委员会经过多次讨论以后,已经决定执行禁止香烟广告的提议。Access to the manufacturing process is on a strictly need-to-know basis.进入生产过程是严格按照需要知晓原则来执行的。The plans have been set in train. 各项计划已开始执行。An international team has been set up to implement recent UN recommendations.为执行联合国最近的提议成立了一个国际小组。The two sentences will be served concurrently.两个判决将同时执行。He is a member of the executive committee.他是执行委员会的成员。The agreement had been duly executed.这份协议已经如期执行。This matter will be decided by the party's national executive.此事将由该党的全国执行委员会决定。The company operates a strict no-smoking policy.公司执行严格的禁烟政策。He should recommit the US to enforcing the treaty.他应当再次敦促美国执行该条约。It's impossible to apply the same academic standards across the country.不可能在全国范围内执行同一个学术标准。High-visibility policing acts as a deterrent to crime.高姿态执行警务是一种对罪犯的威慑。The rule is stringently applied/enforced.这条规则被严格实施/执行。 |