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词汇 clashed
例句 Anti-globalization protesters clashed with police on the streets of Geneva today.反对全球化的抗议者今天在日内瓦的大街上与警察发生了冲突。Their interests clashed over trade issues.他们的利益在贸易问题上发生了冲突。Iranian and Iraqi troops clashed on the border.伊朗和伊拉克军队在边境爆发冲突。Tension is running high in the city where demonstrators again clashed with riot police last night.昨晚示威者又和防暴警察发生了冲突,城内紧张局势一触即发。The golden bangles on her arms clashed and jingled.她手臂上的金手镯丁零当啷地响。The garbage cans clashed as the men unloaded them.工人们卸垃圾时把垃圾桶弄得乒乒乓乓直响。There were more riots in the capital last night when protestors clashed with police.昨晚在首都再次发生骚乱,抗议者与警察发生了冲突。The saucepans clashed as he piled them into the sink.他把那些煮锅堆放进水槽时,锅子相互碰撞当啷作响。He has clashed repeatedly with the team coach over training schedules.在训练时间安排上,他与球队教练冲突不断。The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial.由于航班提前,侦探更改了度假日期,但是这样一来就和审判冲突了。Traffic was brought to a halt as two groups of fans clashed.两派粉丝发生冲突,导致交通瘫痪。Protesters clashed with police outside the embassy.抗议者与警察在使馆外发生冲突。Police have clashed with demonstrators again today.今天警方和游行示威者再次发生冲突。So what if the colours clashed?那么,要是色彩不搭怎么办?Thousands of demonstrators clashed with police.数千名示威者与警察发生了冲突。They wanted to visit both places, but the dates clashed.他们两个地方都想去,但日程有冲突。Behind the scenes, Parsons clashed with almost everyone on the show.在幕后,帕森斯几乎和剧组的所有人都发生过冲突。Police and protesters clashed yesterday.昨天警方与抗议者发生了冲突。Democrats clashed with Republicans last night in a heated debate about unemployment.民主党和共和党昨晚在关于失业问题的激烈辩论中发生了冲突。The two sheets of flame clashed, soaring hundreds of feet high.两片火焰化作一处,腾起了几百英尺高的烈焰。The two opposing armies clashed in battle.敌对双方的部队发生了交火。Their swords clashed.他们的剑碰撞发出锵锵的声音。Protesters clashed with the police yesterday.昨天抗议者与警方发生了冲突。The two teams clashed in the third round of the cup.两支队伍在此次杯赛的第三轮比赛中交锋。The police clashed with thousands of demonstrators.警察与几千名示威者发生冲突。The United States and Israel clashed over demands for a UN investigation into the killings.美国和以色列在要求联合国对屠杀事件开展调查这一问题上意见相左。The tower bell clashed its mournful note.塔楼的钟敲出忧伤的调子。Demonstrators clashed with government soldiers in the country's capital yesterday.昨天示威者在该国首都与政府军士兵发生了冲突。There was fighting on the streets of Paris yesterday when police and demonstrators clashed.昨天在巴黎的街道上警察与示威者发生冲突,大打出手。The two men have clashed over the report's conclusions.这两个人为报告的结论发生了争执。There was rioting and sporadic fighting in the city as rival gangs clashed.敌对的匪帮发生冲突时,市里有过骚乱和零星的打斗。The colour of her blouse clashed with that of her skirt.她上衣的颜色与裙子不配。The red door clashed with the soft, natural tones of the stone walls.红门和石墙柔和的自然色调不协调。Animal rights activists and fox-hunters clashed at the annual Boxing Day hunt.在每年一度的节礼日猎狐时,动物权益保护者与猎狐者发生了冲突。The cymbals clashed.铙钹锵锵作响。Police clashed with demonstrators for the second time in a week.在一个星期内,警察与示威者发生了第二次冲突。The car clashed against the wall.那辆汽车砰地撞上墙壁。US planes clashed with enemy fighter aircraft again today.美国飞机今天又与敌方战斗机发生了冲突。




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