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词汇 打听
例句 He inquired when the actor would be well enough to work again.打听了一下那个演员什么时候能身体康复,可以复工。The family made discreet enquiries about his background.那家人小心翼翼地打听他的背景。She is so hell-fired inquisitive.她实在太喜欢打听别人的事情了。She likes to get involved in everything and know all the details.她事事都爱管,而且喜欢打听得详详细细。She was told that she could not make an inquiry into the salaries of her coworkers.她被告知不能打听同事的薪水。We have only just put the house up for sale, and we've already received lots of enquiries.我们刚刚把房子拿出去出售,就已经有很多人来打听情况了。She's making a few discreet inquiries with her mother's friends.她旁敲侧击地向她母亲的朋友们打听过几次。She knew who to ask about finding an abortionist.她知道向谁去打听找一个为人堕胎的。They were trying to pry into my past.他们企图打听我的过去。I don't want them nosing into my finances.我不想让他们打听我的财务情况。Those detectives have been poking about here.那些侦探一直在这儿附近打听He looks like a man after information.他看来像是想打听消息。He made some inquiries and discovered she had gone to the Continent.打听了一番,发现她已经到欧洲大陆去了。I am writing to you in the hope that you can help me obtain some information.我写这封信是希望您能帮我打听一些事情。When I got home I phoned Jo to catch up on all the gossip.我回家后就给乔打电话,打听所有的小道消息。Rachel's mother was inquiring after you.雷切尔的母亲打听你的近况。I just inquired out of idle curiosity.我只是出于无聊的好奇心才打听的。He called me aside to inquire after my daughter.他把我叫到一旁,打听我女儿的情况。The tabloids are known to be digging around in Mr Brown's past, looking for discreditable episodes.众所周知,这些通俗小报正在四处打听布朗先生过去的情况,搜集他的丢脸事。After making a few inquiries, we decided not to hire her.我们打听了一番,决定不聘用她。Our discreet enquiries availed us nothing.我们小心谨慎地打听,但没有结果。Vic's been trying to sniff out where you went last night.维克一直在打听昨晚你去了什么地方。We enquired the way to the airport.我们打听去机场的路。We graduate next month and most of my classmates are already making enquiries about jobs.我们下个月毕业,大多数同学都已经在打听工作的事了。I asked one or two of the stallholders about it.我向一两个摊贩打听了此事。Maybe you should ask around to find out more about this guy.或许你应该多方打听,更多地了解一下这个人。Dad went off to find out the reason for the delay.爸爸去打听晚点的原因。I asked him about his wife in all innocence.我向他打听他妻子的情况完全没有恶意。By asking around, we were able to sniff out the truth.经过多方打听,我们查出了真相。He never makes it his business to inquire whether you are rich or poor.他从不打听你是富还是穷。He made discreet inquiries about the job.他对这份工作多方打听了一番。We stopped and asked the way to the police station.我们停下来,向别人打听去警察局的路。We ran hotfoot to find out the news.我们赶忙奔去打听消息。He was inquiring about a friend who used to work here.他在打听一个曾在这里工作的朋友。I inquired of all that were present.我向所有在场的人打听He's so secretive - you'll have a hard time prizing any information out of him.他如此守口如瓶——你要从他那打听情况会很困难。Keep your nose out of my business.不要打听我的事情。They enquired how to get to the station.他们打听怎样去车站。I asked around, but nobody had seen him for days.我四处打听,但好几天来没人见过他。Ask your local grocer if he sells organic fruits and vegetables.向你当地的食品杂货商打听是否销售有机水果和蔬菜。




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