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词汇 up against
例句 I propped myself up against a wall and took a deep breath.我撑起来靠在墙上,深深地吸了口气。They believed the guerrillas to be an undisciplined rabble that would turn tail when they came up against regular forces.他们认为游击队都是缺乏训练的乌合之众,一旦遇到正规部队就会抱头鼠窜。The puppy snuggled up against the sleeping boy.小狗蜷伏在熟睡的男孩旁边。Draco pushed him up against the wall and frisked him.德拉科把他按到墙上,搜他的身。He got up against the sunny window to keep warm.他紧挨向阳的窗子取暖。We built a new house up against theirs.我们在他们的房子旁边建了一所新房子。The Smith family is up against it because Mr. Smith cannot find a job.史密斯先生找不到工作,因此史密斯一家经济窘迫。The camera does pretty well when you stack it up against the competition.与竞争机型相比,这款相机很好。On the foreign exchanges, the US dollar is up against the yen.外汇市场美元兑日元汇率攀升。He ran up against a solid wall of opposition when it came to the sensitive issue of party privileges.当涉及党派特权这样敏感的问题时,他遭到了坚决的反对。Windblown sand had banked up against the sides of the house.风吹来的沙子在房子的四周堆积起来。Quit rubbing up against me like that.别这么在我身上蹭。He ran up against trouble in his new job.他在他的新岗位上遇到了麻烦。A goat was standing up against a tree on its hind legs, trying to get at the leaves.一只山羊后腿撑地,搭着树站立起来,试图去够叶子。Mike's car ran up against a tree yesterday.迈克的车昨天撞到一棵树上。The middleweight boxing champion had his opponent up against the ropes.那个中量级拳击冠军将对手逼到了拳击台的护栏上。The boat bumped up against the pier.船撞上了码头。The people of Damascus rose up against their governors.该国人民起来反抗他们的统治者。Their noses were pressed up against the window.他们的鼻子紧贴在窗户上。The whale sometimes rubs himself up against small boats.鲸有时会擦着小船的船身游过。The clouds are banked up against the hills across the valley.云在峡谷两侧的群山之间聚积起来。I brushed up against him unintentionally.我无意中碰了他一下。It doesn't benefit you to get all psyched up against him.你这么激动地一个劲儿反对他,对你没好处。No sooner had they celebrated their victory than they came up against a new roadblock.他们刚庆祝完胜利就遇到了一个新的障碍。The museum has run up against opposition to its proposals.博物馆的建议遭到了反对。She rubs up against all sorts of people in her profession.她在她那一行的工作中常接触各种各样的人。The lime-stone rocks bed up against the coal.石灰岩和煤并藏于地层中。Johnson spoke up against letting girls join the club.约翰逊发言反对让姑娘们参加俱乐部。The flood brought us up against serious difficulties.洪水使我们面临着严重的困难。He is up against stiff opposition from his colleagues.他遭到同事们的坚决反对。Although he ran up against many difficulties, he did not lose heart.虽然他碰到了许多困难,但他并不气馁。Many families are up against it, unable to afford even basic items.很多家庭陷入困境,连基本生活用品都买不起。She got some dirty marks on her trousers by rubbing up against wet paint.她蹭到没有干的油漆上,在裤子上弄了好些污迹。I ran up against Bill in the market.我在市场里碰见比尔。How does he stack up against the other candidates?与其他候选人相比,他怎么样?The others squashed up against Jo.其他的人都挤到乔这边来了。Mick turned his collar up against the biting winds.米克竖起衣领抵挡刺骨的寒风。The boy knocked up against a tree.那个男孩不小心撞在树上。The people of the whole country got united to rise up against the foreign invaders.全国人民团结起来反抗外国侵略者。The men were lined up against a wall.那些男人靠墙站成了一排。




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