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词汇 up against the wall
例句 There was a ladder propped up against the wall.有一把梯子靠在墙边。The police officer had him up against the wall, both arms behind his back.警察把他双手别在身后按到墙上。The bed was up against the wall.这张床靠墙摆放着。There were roses growing up against the wall.墙边长着很多蔷薇,攀爬到了墙上。High costs have finally driven a number of universities up against the wall.昂贵的费用最终把一些大学推上绝境。Drago pushed him up against the wall and frisked him.德拉戈把他推到墙边搜他的身。Draco pushed him up against the wall and frisked him.德拉科把他按到墙上,搜他的身。The blow was a capital one which sent him staggering up against the wall.这一拳打得很重,使他踉踉跄跄一头撞在墙壁上。The boy huddled up against the wall, arms wrapped around his knees.男孩双臂抱膝,靠墙缩成一团。Charlie went for Murray as soon as he entered the room, pushing him up against the wall.默里一进房间,查利就扑过去把他推到墙边。Get the prisoners up against the wall.叫囚犯们靠墙站着。




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