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词汇 打交道
例句 I get a lot of enjoyment out of working with young children.和小孩子打交道我得到了很大的乐趣。He's a talented architect but a poor diplomat.他是一个天才建筑师,但不善于和人打交道Gina has always been good with animals.吉纳一向都很善于跟动物打交道She was glad to see the back of him.她很高兴再也不用与他打交道了。We work with clients from diverse backgrounds.我们与背景复杂多样的客户打交道She's very clever at dealing with people and saying no.她非常擅长和人打交道以及拒绝别人。I largely work with people who already are motivated.我主要同那些积极性已经被调动起来的人打交道Meetings with tax inspectors are often bureaucratic assault courses.和税务稽查员打交道常常就像陷在官僚主义的迷魂阵里。Herbert would surely advise her on how to approach the bank.赫伯特一定会就如何与银行打交道给她提供建议。Their salespeople are very easy to deal with.他们的销售人员很容易打交道I meet all sorts of people in my job.我在工作中与各种人打交道It's the sort of tall tale about how good they are with women that guys tell in bars.这是男人们在酒吧里吹的那些牛皮,说自己和女人打交道如何如何了得。I'm dealing with customers all the time who have let their debts get out of control.我成天和那些负债累累、无力偿还的顾客们打交道I hate dealing with the bank over the phone. It takes ages to get through to the right person.我讨厌在电话上同银行打交道,找对人要花很长时间。You should have no traffic with that man.你不该和那人打交道She has a way with kids/dogs. 她很会和孩子/狗打交道When you contact a government office, you should receive efficient service and be treated with courtesy.与政府部门打交道,应当享受到高效服务和礼遇。Parents and teachers should make allowances when dealing with moody teenagers.父母和老师在与情绪多变的青少年打交道时应该予以体谅。It takes a bit of nerve to approach a stranger.与陌生人打交道需要一点勇气。You need a cool/calm head to deal with someone like him.和他那种人打交道,你要保持头脑冷静。He never talked to the media or got his hands dirty in any way.他从来不和媒体打交道,也不做什么难办的事。Inspector Grimes was used to dealing with frantic parents.格兰姆斯巡官习惯同急疯了的家长打交道The president's record with gay rights groups has been good.总统与同性恋权利团体打交道有着良好的纪录。Banks are notoriously conservative about their dealings with clients.在与顾客打交道方面,银行的保守是出了名的。All of our great leaders have had reputations for being difficult to work with.我们所有伟大的领导人都有难打交道的坏名声。Sales reps need to be outgoing, because they are constantly meeting customers.销售代表必须开朗外向,因为他们经常要跟客户打交道A high level of professionalism is expected when working with clients.与客户打交道需要高水平的专业素质。She showed great resolution in her dealings with management.她与管理人员打交道时态度十分坚决。We know we're dealing with someone with a different frame of reference.我们知道和我们打交道的人持有不同的观念。This job would suit someone experienced in dealing with the public.这份工作适合与大众打交道有经验的人。He had such a way with the ladies.他非常善于和女士打交道She was great with the children and fitted in beautifully.她和孩子们打交道很有一手,相处得十分融洽。She has infinite patience when she's dealing with children.和孩子打交道时,她有着极大的耐性。She seems a cold flinty New Englander unable to relate to ordinary people.她似乎是个冷酷严厉的新英格兰人,不会与普通人打交道He deals with the customers in a very professional way. = He is very professional in dealing with the customers.他很专业地与客户打交道You have to have such a lot of patience when you're dealing with kids.和孩子们打交道得有这样的耐心才行。He had a reputation for being a demon with the gals.同女孩子打交道时他有恶棍的坏名声。You'll need strong nerves to deal with the prosecuting lawyer.你和起诉律师打交道需要有坚强的意志力。Dealing with children who are so damaged calls for immense tact and sensitivity.和受到这么大伤害的儿童打交道需要非常讲究方法,也需要非常细心周到。Nicky's job as a public relations director involves spending quite a lot of time with other people.尼基作为公共关系主管,需要花很多时间与别人打交道




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