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词汇 familiarity
例句 I miss the familiarity of home.我怀念家中的那种亲切感。He toted the infant with easy familiarity.他随和亲昵地抱着婴儿。He spoke to everyone with the easy/relaxed familiarity of an old friend.他和每个人说话都像个老朋友似的亲切、随和。I love the familiarity of my old chair.我喜欢我的旧椅子给我的那种熟悉的感觉。The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.敌方总是会占据熟悉崎岖地形的优势。The job requires familiarity with current software.这份工作需要熟悉现行软件。He had behaved with undue and oily familiarity.他表现得过于亲热,媚态毕现。The very texture of his prose bears the influence of his familiarity with drugs.他独特的散文风韵显示出他常常在毒品的影响下进行创作的痕迹。Tony was unnerved by the uncanny familiarity of her face.奇怪的是,她看起来竟有些面熟,这让托尼心慌意乱。She opened the door, and he stepped in with the familiarity of ancient friendship.她把门打开,而他毫不客气地走进去,像老朋友那样。Alistair felt that there was a certain familiarity about the name.阿利斯泰尔觉得对这个名字有点熟悉。His excessive familiarity offended her.他过分亲昵的举动冒犯了她。The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.敌人一直都占有熟悉丘陵地形的优势。The book presumes some familiarity with the basic principles of particle physics.该书假定人们对粒子物理的基本原则已经有所了解。The course presumes familiarity with basic computer programming. 这门课程要求学者应熟悉基本的计算机编程技术。The article assumes a basic familiarity with the main issues.这篇文章假定阅读者已基本了解所谈的主要问题。His excessive familiarity made her uncomfortable.他过分的亲暱使她不舒服。Over the years, he gained greater familiarity with the culture and way of life in the country.这些年,他对这个国家的文化和生活方式有了更多的了解。In fact his familiarity with the Bronx was pretty limited.事实上他对布朗克斯区的了解相当有限。His familiarity with local issues helped him during the campaign.他对当地的了解对他的竞选活动有很大帮助。She needed to control her surprise at the easy familiarity with which her host greeted the head waiter.看到女主人那样亲昵地随意和服务员领班打招呼,她觉得惊讶却又不敢表露。He treated her with the easy familiarity of an equal.他对她就像是对平等身份的人那样亲切随和。I had only a basic familiarity with computers.我对电脑只了解点儿皮毛。




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