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词汇 愤愤不平
例句 His voice carried bitter undertones.他的声音中带着愤愤不平的弦外之音。Nolan was angry at being dumped from the team.诺兰对自己被球队开除愤愤不平He's always growling about the government.他总是愤愤不平地抱怨政府。The hospital beefed when the city announced plans.市政当局公布计划时,医院的工作人员愤愤不平Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.许多应征入伍者对被迫服兵役愤愤不平He was very resentful of their success.他对他们的成功愤愤不平She is very bitter about the way she was sacked.就这样被炒了鱿鱼,她感到愤愤不平Paradoxically, the less you have to do the more you may resent the work that does come your way.矛盾的是,你手头的事越少,一旦有工作落在头上,你就越会愤愤不平Already the awards are causing resentment in the lower ranks of council officers.奖项已使政务委员会的低层官员们愤愤不平Andy was drinking too much again, and feeling sorry for himself.安迪又酗酒了,为自己愤愤不平Many Jewish people feel aggrieved that so few war criminals were brought to justice.受到法律制裁的战犯如此之少,很多犹太人感到愤愤不平She bitterly resented the fact that her husband had been so successful.她对丈夫如此成功感到愤愤不平The quarter was aroused and indignant.全区民心激荡,愤愤不平There was a strain of bitterness in his voice.他的声音听起来有些愤愤不平It was not difficult for him to catch the note of bitterness in my voice.他不难听出我话语中的愤愤不平She resented the fact that I had more freedom than her.她为我比她享有更多自由而愤愤不平She's always carrying on about her neighbors.她总是愤愤不平地抱怨她的邻居们。The striker took exception when he was dropped from the team.这名前锋对于自己被球队开除感到愤愤不平The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift.酒店行李搬运工因为被迫延长当班时间而愤愤不平McKenzie had every reason to be aggrieved.麦肯齐完全有理由愤愤不平She is resentful about being demoted.她因被降职而愤愤不平The workers railed about the unfair treatment they'd received.工人们对受到的不公正待遇愤愤不平He is furious at the way his wife has been treated.他对妻子所受到的待遇感到愤愤不平His remarks, intended to calm the crisis, only served to alarm the already outraged Black community.他的话原本是为了平息危机,结果反而在本已愤愤不平的黑人社区中造成了恐慌。He's angry that people have called him a racist.人们把他叫做种族主义者,他对此愤愤不平They were outraged by the news of his release.他被释放的消息让他们愤愤不平I really feel aggrieved at this sort of thing.我对这种事情特别愤愤不平The newspaper article touched a raw nerve - people still resent the closure of the local school.报纸上的文章触到了人们的痛处——人们仍然对关闭当地学校一事愤愤不平One aggrieved customer complained that he still hadn't received the book he had ordered several weeks ago.一位顾客愤愤不平地投诉称他仍未收到几周前订购的书。Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises.矿工们愤愤不平地抱怨说政府没有履行诺言。Grandfather's always writing indignant letters to the newspaper.祖父总是愤愤不平地写信去报社。Kate's still so angry about the whole thing.凯特仍对整件事愤愤不平The attorneys split up into little indignation-meetings up and down the corridors.律师们分散在走廊各处,三五成群,愤愤不平地竞相表示抗议。She had spent the evening smouldering with resentment.她一晚上心里都愤愤不平She's still fuming about/over/at not being invited to the party.她仍在对未受邀参加聚会感到愤愤不平She complained bitterly about the unfairness of it all.愤愤不平地抱怨整件事是多么不公正。I expressed my indignation at being unfairly dismissed.我对被不公正解雇愤愤不平She is said to be very bitter about the way she was sacked.据说,她对自己被以如此方式解雇而感到愤愤不平That's a lot of people smouldering with resentment.许多人的心里都在愤愤不平She waxes indignant if anyone tries to contradict her.如果有人想反驳,她就会愤愤不平




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