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词汇 恶行
例句 He's got a bad reputation, and it's true, more's the pity.他名声不好,更加糟糕的是,其恶名与恶行相符。He now repents of his past misdeeds.他现在后悔自己过去所犯下的种种恶行The priest ranted on about the devil and all his works.牧师没完没了地嚷嚷,宣讲魔鬼及其全部恶行劣迹。I just hope the people who committed this monstrous evil will be able to live with themselves.我只希望做出这种骇人恶行的人将来不会良心不安。He enjoyed exaggerating his infamy.他喜欢夸大他的恶行The president brazened out his misdeeds.总裁厚颜无耻地否认自己的恶行They justify every villainy in the name of high ideals.他们打着实现远大理想的幌子为他们的每件恶行开脱。One day he will pay for his evil deeds.总有一天他会为他的恶行付出代价。An evil deed may recoil on the head of the doer.恶行可能会报应在作恶者自己头上。I am not suggesting that individuals never speak up about wrongdoing.我并不是在暗示说,个人永远不要去谴责那些恶行He was guilty of the sin of arrogant hard-heartedness.他犯下了傲慢无情的恶行Their misdeeds called down upon themselves the indignation of the villagers.他们的恶行激起了村民的愤怒。He will sooner or later be rewarded for his wicked conduct.他的恶行迟早会受到报应。The perpetrators of this evil deed must be brought to justice.必须将参与这一恶行的凶手绳之以法。The press squeezed as much mileage from her alleged cold-blooded wickedness as possible.报界从她的所谓冷血恶行中榨取了尽可能多的好处。They only recognise badness when they perceive it in others.他们只看到别人身上的恶行The man was punished for his evil acts.此人因其恶行受到惩罚。He is an admitted master at crookery.他是公认的恶行大师。The very idea of her misdeeds becoming public property was enough to make her go cold with dread.想到她的恶行变得人人皆知便足以让她不寒而栗。




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