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词汇 driven
例句 A Gresham's law of White House wind has driven out fine words in favor of more words.白宫空话的格雷欣法则把许多精彩的词语逐了出去,让位于繁文冗言。Bond traders worried about inflation have driven up interest rates on long-term bonds.债券交易员担心通货膨胀抬升了长期债券的利率。He'd have driven straight into me if I hadn't seen him first - the dozy idiot!要不是我先看到他,我准得让他开车撞个正着——这个呆头呆脑的白痴!In a reverse auction, the price is driven steadily down.在反向拍卖中,物品的拍价不断下调。The enemy was driven back to its starting point.敌人被击退到开始进攻的地点。You may spot accidentals driven in by the stormy weather.你可能会观察到一些鸟因为恶劣天气而被迫飞到它们通常不会出现的地方。He was driven out of a side entrance.他被人从侧门赶了出去。I've driven there so many times, I could do it in my sleep.我开车到过那里这么多次,我闭上眼睛都可以开到那里。Fierce competition among restaurants has driven down prices.餐馆之间的激烈竞争已经使价格降低了不少。The family was driven out of the neighborhood by rising real estate prices.由于房地产价格不断上涨,这家人被迫离开了这个街区。The engine is driven by steam.这台发动机由蒸汽驱动。He was driven on by a primordial terror.他被本能的恐惧驱使着。Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range.车从脏水里驶过,溅了周围所有人一身水。The firefighters were driven back by the intense heat and smoke.消防队员被高温和浓烟逼退了。He was hit by a car that was being driven by joyriders.他被驾驶偷来的汽车兜风的人撞倒了。The President was driven away in a big black limousine.总统乘坐一辆黑色豪华大轿车走了。Companies that are not market-driven risk falling behind the competition.不以市场为导向的公司有可能在竞争中落在后头。He was driven out of a side entrance with his hand covering his face.他被从侧门赶了出来,一只手还捂着脸。Any misgivings they might have felt were driven out by the sight of his cheerful face.看到他的喜色,他们原先可能有的一切疑虑都烟消云散了。I had been driven half out of my mind with worry.我担心得都快发疯了。He went to the gym every day, driven purely by narcissism.他每天都去健身房,纯粹出于自我欣赏。She'd been driven to the point of raving insanity.她快被逼疯了。Clouds scudded across the sky driven by high winds.劲风吹著飞云掠过天空。Firefighters were driven back by the overpowering heat of the flames.消防队员被火焰的强大热浪逼退。Years alone in the jungle had driven him mad.在丛林里多年的独自生活让他精神失常了。They heard the sound of trucks being loaded up and driven away.他们听见有人给卡车装货而后把车开走。By his own admission he should never have driven so fast.他自己承认不该把车开得那么快。Before you could say Jack Robinson, she'd jumped into the car and driven away.一眨眼的功夫,她已经跳上汽车开走了。The two men were hustled into a police van and driven away.两名男子被推入警车带走了。High costs have finally driven a number of universities up against the wall.昂贵的费用最终把一些大学推上绝境。The team was driven hard by the coach.这个队受到教练的严格训练。Have you driven far?你开了很远吗?The crowd began dispersing as soon as the ambulance had driven away.救护车一开走,人群就开始散开。The natives were driven to the inhospitable deserts of the interior.当地土著居民被赶到荒凉的内陆沙漠地带去。She was driven from Heathrow by limo to the hotel.一辆豪华高级轿车将她从希思罗机场接到了宾馆。We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests.我们乘车穿越这片有着湖泊及森林的广袤而神奇的土地。The factory had been driven into bankruptcy.这家工厂被迫破产。He deplored the fact that the Foreign Secretary was driven into resignation.他对外交大臣被迫辞职一事表示强烈谴责。The war had driven a wedge between the President and his liberal supporters.这场战争使总统与他的自由党支持者之间产生了不和。Violence erupted as the boys were driven away in two police vans.两辆警车将男孩们带走时突然发生了暴力冲突。




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