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词汇 driver
例句 The tank driver of the war has become the tractor driver of the postwar.战时的坦克手已成为战后的拖拉机手。The judge revoked her driver's license.法官吊销了她的驾驶执照。We were late, so we told the taxi driver to step on it.我们迟到了,所以我们请司机赶快。Our driver slowed up as we approached the ruts in the road.当驶近路上的车辙时,我们的司机放慢了速度。The driver drew the horses up in time to avoid hitting the child.赶车人及时把马勒住,没有撞着孩子。The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding.司机因超速行驶付了五十元的罚金。The large and heavily bolstered leather driver's seat gives fabulous comfort and support.填充厚实的宽大皮驾驶座给人非凡的舒适和支撑。He was shouting insults at the lorry driver.他冲着卡车司机大声谩骂。I got behind some poky driver on the freeway.在高速公路上,我跟在一个慢吞吞的司机后面。The driver tried to change gear, then swerved.司机试图换挡,结果突然转向。The other driver was responsible for the accident, and he should pay for the damage.另一个司机对事故负有责任,他应该赔偿损失。Another driver managed to get the registration number of the car.另一名司机看清了该车的车牌号。The old boy was believed to be a retired bus driver.据信那老头是个退休的汽车司机。I asked the taxi driver to set me down in front of the library.我叫出租车司机把我放在图书馆门口。If the vehicle is going too fast, a synthesised voice tells the driver to slow down.如果车开得太快,会有一个合成人声告诉司机减速。The bus driver did not seem to know the route.公共汽车司机似乎不熟悉这条线路。We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city.我们雇用了一个司机带我们游览这个城市。Don't forget to tip the taxi driver.别忘了给出租车司机小费。The car was a complete wreck, but the driver escaped with minor injuries.这辆汽车彻底成了一堆残骸,但司机仅受了点轻伤。She cut in on a red Ford, forcing the driver to brake heavily.她强行超到一辆红色的福特车前面,害得那位司机只好急刹车。I was boxed in until the other driver came back.我被困在里面,一直等到另一个司机回来才脱身。He strapped the driver with a leather belt.他用皮带抽打司机。The drunken driver drove bang into the store window.醉醺醺的司机开车砰地撞进商店的橱窗。He is alleged to have pulled a knife on the cab driver before using it to injure himself.据称他先拔刀对着那名出租车司机,然后才刺伤了他自己。The driver saw the facial contortion in the mirror.司机在镜子里看到了自己扭曲变形的脸。I'll pay the taxi driver.我来付钱给出租车司机。The driver showed no signs of life.这位司机没有任何生命迹象。I asked the driver to put his foot down.我让司机加大油门。As a Grand Prix driver, you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment.作为国际汽车大奖赛的车手,随时都有可能发生事故。The driver asked me where I wanted to go.司机问我想去哪里。The cab pulled up and the driver jumped out.出租车减速停下,司机跳了出来。Before I could say anything he was in the driver's seat.我还什么都没说,他已经坐在驾驶席上了。When his boss went on vacation, he suddenly found himself in the driver's seat.老板去度假了,他突然发现大权落在了自己手上。The vehicle's driver was severely injured in the crash.这辆车的司机在车祸中受了重伤。The driver lost control and careered into a tree.司机失控,汽车一头撞到了树上。The driver was still conscious when the ambulance reached her.救护车到达时,司机的神志还是清醒的。The car was hit on the driver's side.车的驾驶室这侧被撞了。The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and shout a warning.那个司机设法从车上逃脱并高声警告。The cab driver struggled with her luggage, scraping a bag against the door as they came in.出租车司机费力地拿着她的行李,进门时把一个包剐破了。She stiffed the cab driver.她没有付给出租车司机钱。




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