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Ken drives like a maniac.肯发疯似地开车。Today's floppy disk drives are tolerant of poor quality disks.现在的软驱连质量低劣的软盘也能读取。This allows us to keep the drives as they're meant to be.这使我们能够将围猎路线按计划推进。The actress avoids ostentation. She owns a small house and drives an inexpensive car.那位女演员不愿意炫耀。她住的是小房子,开的是经济型轿车。She drives a sporty little speedster.她开一辆运动型小跑车。The woodsman drives the wedge into the log with a heavy maul.伐木工用大槌把楔子打进原木。It's one of the most scenic drives in Europe.这是欧洲景色最佳的驾车观光路线之一。Water drives the turbines that produce electricity.水驱动涡轮机发电。The group's performance always drives the audience crazy.这个组合的表演总是让观众如痴如狂。The energy generated by the windmill drives all the drainage pumps.风车产生的能量为所有的排水泵提供动力。From the way that boy drives, it's obvious that he has a death wish.从那个男孩开车的方式看,很明显,他想求死。Ken drives a garbage truck for a living.肯以开垃圾车为生。Her truck is a very large pickup which she drives at hair-raising speeds.她开一辆大货,开起来时速度快得吓人。He drives an original Volkswagen, and there aren't many of those around these days.他开一辆最早期生产的大众汽车,这种汽车现在已不多见了。He often drives at dangerous speeds.他常以危险的速度驾驶。She drives a red sports car.她开一辆红色跑车。He wears designer clothes and drives a Porsche.他穿着由著名设计师设计的名牌服装,开着保时捷汽车。She still drives her trusty black Corvette.她仍然开她那辆皮实可靠的黑色克尔维特车。She drives a red truck that was originally owned by her grandfather.她开一辆红色卡车,这辆车以前是她祖父的。She drives diabolically.她开车的水平非常糟糕。James usually drives a little hatchback.詹姆斯通常开一辆小巧的掀背车。Today's floppy disc drives are tolerant of poor quality discs.现在的软驱对质量低劣的软盘也能读取。Doc drives an ancient Ford convertible.多克开一辆很旧的福特敞篷汽车。To the best of my recollection, she drives a Mercedes.如果我没有记错的话,她开的是一辆梅塞德斯牌汽车。His drives kept landing in the rough.他打出的球总是落到深草区。His attitude drives me round the bend.他的态度把我惹恼了。He's constantly on the phone to his girlfriend. We have to go halves on the phone bill which drives me mad.他总和女友煲电话粥。令我抓狂的是电话费可是我们俩平摊的。Zip drives help people to organise their important information.压缩磁盘驱动器有助于人们管理重要信息。He drives his mother's car on the sly while she's at work.他在母亲上班的时候偷开她的汽车。Her voice drives me up a wall. 她的声音让我抓狂。It is poverty which drives these people to hew their saplings.因为贫穷,这些人被迫砍倒了他们自己的小树苗。He drives very dangerously.他开车不要命。He drives a red Mercedes, which he sees as a badge of success.他开一辆红色奔驰,把它看作成功的象征。A young man's sheer virility drives him into marriage and procreation.年轻男子走进婚姻、传宗接代完全是受其男性生殖力所驱。He drives like a madman. 他开车很疯狂。Homesickness drives many recruits to abscond.思家病驱使许多新兵逃跑。My sister drives a Japanese car.我姐姐开着一辆日本产的汽车。The coach really drives his team, but he gets good results.教练员确实逼着他的球队拼命,但他取得了很好的成绩。He never walks anywhere. He always drives.他从不步行去任何地方。他总是开车去。She drives to town every few days.她每隔几天就开车到城里去。 |