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词汇 很有可能
例句 The exit polls suggest that the election may well be too close to call.投票之后的民意调查表明,选举结果很有可能旗鼓相当,难以决出胜负。As likely as not she first learnt to sing in chapel.很有可能她初次学唱歌是在小教堂里。There's a fair chance that nobody will come to the talk.很有可能没人来听讲座。It appears likely the judge's ruling will go against them.法官的判决很有可能对他们不利。She may well not want to travel alone.很有可能不想单独旅行。It's likely that the law will be abolished before long.这项法律很有可能不久就要废除。Conceivably, interest rates could rise very high indeed.利率实际上很有可能会涨得很高。She might easily decide to cancel the whole thing.很有可能决定把整件事全部取消。If this is the case, it is likely that these thoughts are false and you make absolute die hard.倘若是这种情形,很有可能这些想法是错误的,你也很难改掉。The Republicans had better get used to the fact that in all probability, they are going to lose.共和党人最好习惯他们很有可能失败的事实。Her mysterious friends were, Tim conjectured, probably women.蒂姆猜想,她的那些神秘朋友很有可能是女性。Those with more discriminating tastes are likely to find the movie dull and clichéd.那些更有鉴赏力的观众很有可能觉得这部电影枯燥老套。That's a very definite possibility.那是很有可能的。They may well decide that their interests would be best served by joining in.他们很有可能认定参与其中才会令其利益最大化。If the infection is not checked it will probably spread to the upper body.如果感染不控制住,很有可能扩散到上身。Her father was unhealthy and looked like a prime candidate for a heart attack. 她父亲健康状况不佳,看起来很有可能会心脏病发作。A more likely possibility is that it will be a tie.很有可能这将是一个平局。If the postal workers go out on strike, other sectors may well join them.如果邮局工人罢工的话,其他部门也很有可能参加。York Park looks set to host a football bonanza next year.约克公园看来很有可能主办明年的足球盛会。I'd very likely have done the same thing in your situation.我要是碰到你这种情况,很有可能也会那样做的。They'll quite likely ask you to pay a small deposit.他们很有可能让你付少量定金。Shares in the company look set to soar.该公司的股票看来很有可能飞涨。A surprise test is a strong probability.突然考试很有可能The band's new album is set to become the biggest hit of the year.该乐队的新专辑很有可能成为今年最畅销的唱片。France and Britain are likely to clash over the proposed space programme.法国和英国在拟议中的太空计划上很有可能发生冲突。We can say with a high degree of probability that the poem was written by Shakespeare.我们认为这首诗很有可能是莎士比亚写的。He was in danger of making a real cock-up of this.很有可能会把这事弄得一团糟。She promised to come, but she's quite capable of forgetting.她答应要来,但她很有可能会忘记。Frances thought it likely John still loved her.弗朗西丝觉得约翰很有可能仍然爱着她。The bomb threat is probably a hoax, but we should still evacuate the building.炸弹威胁很有可能是个恶作剧,但我们还是要疏散楼里的人。As likely as not, the meeting will take place in the village pub.会议很有可能就在村子的酒吧里开。He'll probably say his car broke down or give some such excuse.很有可能会说他的车坏了或找个类似的借口。He was certainly a potential medallist.毫无疑问,他很有可能获奖。If this is your first baby, it's far more likely that you'll get to the hospital too early.如果是第一胎,孕妇很有可能会过早地赶到医院。The new tax on property is likely to become a serious bone of contention.新设的财产税很有可能成为激烈争论的焦点。She's likely to come.很有可能来。There was a sporting chance they would meet, but not necessarily at the party.他们很有可能会见面,但不一定在聚会上。A `yes' vote is still the likely outcome.表决通过仍然是很有可能的结果。If they carry on sinking boreholes then the land is likely to subside.如果他们继续钻洞,地表很有可能下沉。It promises to be an enormously enjoyable event.很有可能是非常好玩的事。




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