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词汇 很慢
例句 Our progress was slow, but we made steady northing.我们的速度很慢,但我们一直向北行进。Change was coming, but at a glacial pace.变化是有了,但是很慢很慢He walked slowly but surely.他走得很慢,但却很稳当。I was slow to walk and talk and my parents thought I was backward.我学走路和说话都很慢,所以我父母以为我很迟钝。Critics feel the government has been slow in relaxing its grip on TV and radio broadcasting.批评家感到政府在放宽对电视和广播的控制方面步伐很慢Banks have been slow to increase their lending at year's end.在财政年底,银行增加贷款的速度很慢I'm working off-line today because the network has been slow.我今天没有在线工作,因为网速很慢Banks have been slow to increase their lending at year end.在财政年底,银行增加贷款的速度很慢She spoke slowly, articulating each word clearly.她说得很慢,每一个字都说得很清楚。My teachers thought I was a slow learner.我的老师们认为我学得很慢News travels slow to a backward region.消息传到落后地区很慢I concede that the work has been slow so far, but it should speed up soon.我承认到目前为止工作一直进展很慢,但应该很快就会加速了。The disengagement was slow and many soldiers were killed before all the fighting ended.脱离战斗的进程很慢,全部战斗结束前还有许多士兵战死。They moved slowly, knowing that in the next clump of trees enemy soldiers might be lying in ambush.他们行动很慢,因为他们知道下一簇树丛里可能埋伏着敌军的士兵。She spoke slowly, articulating each syllable.她说得很慢,每个音节都念得很清楚。Online play is really laggy on this.这台机器玩网络游戏很慢He talks quite slowly and spaces his words out.他一字一顿地讲,速度很慢They had to drive very slowly over the difficult terrain.地势崎岖难行,他们只得把车开得很慢I set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race.比赛开始时我的速度很慢,目的是为比赛后半程保持体力。The work started slowly, but now it's full steam ahead.这项工作开始的时候很慢,不过现在加足马力了。These ideas were slow to percolate.这些观念流传得很慢I agree she types accurately, but then again, she's very slow.我承认她打字很准确,不过话又说回来,她打得很慢Progress was slow, fueling concerns that the stadium would not be finished on time.进度很慢,加深了人们对体育馆能否按时完工的担忧。When it comes to computers, I'm a slow study.在电脑方面,我学得很慢The ship was so slow it dropped far behind the rest of the convoy.该轮船开得很慢,远远地落在船队其他船只的后面。The boy spoke slowly and hesitantly, unsure whether or not to trust us.那男孩吞吞吐吐说得很慢,不知道是不是该相信我们。After many years of boxing, Garcia's speech is slow and slurred.加西亚打了多年的拳击,说话很慢,含糊不清。The time/day seemed to go very quickly/slowly.时间/一天似乎过得很快/很慢She's getting better, slowly but surely.她的身体在好转,很慢,但是很稳定。Those steers are very poor doers.那些小公牛是增重很慢的家畜。He spoke slowly, to hold back his growing anger.他说得很慢,努力不显露自己的愤怒。I'm getting the work done, but it's slow going.这事我正在做,但是进度很慢The crowd was thinning, but only by degrees.人群在散开,只是散开得很慢My computer's really slow compared to the ones at school.我的电脑和学校里的电脑相比实在是很慢Advance in the jungle was very slow.在丛林中行进很慢I may be slow, but at least I don't make stupid mistakes.我可能是很慢,但至少我不犯愚蠢的错误。The theory predicts low speeds and therefore safety.该学说预测速度会很慢,因而会更安全。The hands of the clock seemed to go around so slowly.时针看上去走得很慢The cut healed slowly.伤口愈合得很慢Our lawyers are dealing with the matter, but they're being very slow about it.我们的律师正在处理这件事,但是他们速度很慢




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