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词汇 很了不起
例句 I cleaned the flat, which left me feeling virtuous.我打扫了整个公寓,这让我觉得自己很了不起They thought no small beer of themselves.他们觉得自己很了不起To be offered this job is quite an achievement.获得这个工作机会是件很了不起的事。People tend to be very impressed if you can string together a couple of sentences in Japanese.如果你能说上几句日语,人们往往就会觉得你很了不起The organizers have achieved something quite extraordinary.演出的组织者已经取得了很了不起的成绩。Imagine winning an Olympic medal - now that would be something.想象一下赢得了奥运会奖牌——那将是很了不起的。Isn't it amazing to think that men have actually stood on the moon?想一想,人类竟然已经上过月球了,这不是很了不起吗?I had to entertain visiting authors and some of them were real prima donnas.我不得不款待来访的作家,其中有些人实在是自以为很了不起It is quite something to have won him over.把他争取过来是一件很了不起的事。Even though we split up she was blooming marvellous.虽然我们分手了,但她确实很了不起Their imaginations are quite something for two yr olds.对于两岁的小孩子来说,他们的想象力很了不起I can't stand him, but my wife thinks he's marvellous.我不能忍受他,但我的妻子认为他很了不起Reaching the ruby anniversary was one hell of an achievement.能庆祝红宝石婚是很了不起的。Tell him I thought he was marvellous.告诉他我认为他很了不起She thinks she's the bee's knees.她自以为很了不起She thinks she's Lady Muck.她自以为很了不起I think she's great.我认为她很了不起She was a truly great actress.她确实是一名很了不起的演员。




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